
The music in the Yarn games is nothing short of perfect. 

I’m 100% in the “it comes down to lag” camp on this one. The temperamental nature of titles is in my opinion already upon us, with day 1 patches and online connection requirements already removing any promise I’ll be able to revisit a game in 10 years.  If Blizzard pulls Overwatch down I've no delusions I'll be

I honestly don’t care if Stadia becomes the next big thing,  kills consoles,  and everyone has to play laggy games forever.  Why?  Because I’m officially declaring myself an old man,  and this is where I’m done.  I now plan to live out the rest of my life replaying the great games from the before time as I shake my

I know they’re worried about legal ramifications, but at some point I think Valve just needs to come out and say:

His greatest achievements are keeping morale high when Nintendo was going through hard times. Going to E3 when you don’t have much news to share is rough. It’s easy to do big things when things are going well. The true test of leadership is how you weather a storm and make a comeback when the wind changes direction.

not really lol

Its the end of an Era. The man has done so much for Nintendo both business wise and PR wise.

15 years of goodwill, ups & downs, growth, and just being a good guy are wiped away because Wii owners didn’t get 3 games? Interesting take.

It helped that he was also buying what he was selling.  While not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination, he often had Nintendo games/systems on his person ready to play.  Seemed to genuinely believe in the product.  

I think a lot of people don’t understand how good of a job Reggie has done, I look forward to the “wow I didn’t realize...” reactions to the numerous think pieces that are to come.

I only found out about this last week because Razer tried pushing some mining software with their usual Synapse update. I normally hit update all, but spotted there was a “Softminer” chilling at the bottom of the list. Can’t even opt to get rid of the option so I need to be careful about updating everytime there’s

There is money to be had for education for anyone GOOD enough to go get it. Jimmy with the D- average who excels at fuck all in life, may not be University, let alone CEO material, and likely needs to sit down and shut up, because grown ups are talking...

Even then, how does one even get to become a CEO? For how long has it been just a perverse game of musical chairs of a lot of mediocre people who never properly get punished but unjustly overcompensated for failures? Especially considering all the companies going under or merging together or exploiting labor. We have

Nice try chief. I’ve got a masters degree and I teach children with disabilities. Every single person in my building from student, to support staff, to my fellow teachers (I’ll leave myself out) are worth more than one million Bobby Koticks. They contribute more to this world that he ever could in his dreams. 

It’s not about how Kotick et al decide to run their businesses, but the system itself- it is rotten.

On an unrelated note, I’m just doing some fun math today!

There’s a kind of red herring or ad hominem going on here. Does one need to be the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company to comment on how that company is being run? Or to comment on the effects of short-term and long-term business decisions on workers? Or to comment on the ethics of receiving pay and bonuses in the

There is certainly no shortage of armchair CEOs who seem to think that it is easy to run a business this big

And here’s the bootlicker.

Kotick got a $30MM SIGNING BONUS, dipshit. That’s money that could have been reinvested in innumerable other divisions