
The thing is, as others have pointed out, it was marketed to them by virtue of the fact it was revealed during the keynote at Blizzcon. I’m not going to excuse reprehensible behavior like threatening developers or whatever, but Blizzard really missed the mark with this one. They announced it directly the the crowd

It *was* marketed to them. They announced this shitty reskin of a Chinese mobile game to an exclusively western, PC-focused, English-speaking audience, who I will remind you paid to be there. It was marketed to Blizzard’s core fanbase, and no one in that fanbase wants Diablo Immortal.

This human being gets it. High-motherfucking-five

I had missed the “F-Zero’s spiritual successor is Mario Kart” line. Unbelievable. OK, I’m convinced Jason is just trolling us now.

Huh. Super G&G is definitely difficult, but I didn’t find it overly so. Some people love to complain about the double jump, but I found that mechanic to have a relatively short learning curve. It’s different (which may be why people dislike it) but it’s not “broken”.

Rank all you want, but accusing some of this lineup of being bad games is idiotic. Star Fox 1 and 2 are absolute gems. Super Castlevania IV is an epic throwback. Calling F-Zero the spiritual precursor to Mario Kart is ridiculous.