
Jordana Dunn

I went to Getty Images to look for more pics and guess what word I changed in the URL:

“Poisoned” is a broad term here. Unaged, grated Cascara segrada bark, which is what was put in her wine, is very bitter tasting and a powerful emetic - but aged, it’s an effective laxative/stool softener. It’s not an abortifacient per se, but obviously taking anything that causes violent spasms and muscle cramping

so that embroidered vest maybe isn’t accidentally a super mid 1990s look????

You are in for a bumpy ride, my dear, if you haven’t read the books.

I just started flipping thru DIA, and it looks like in the book the bite-mark reveal takes place when Jamie is taking a bath. At one point he stands up, dripping wet, and Claire says he looks like a figure of freshly molten gold. She washes his hair. Why, producers, why?????? Why did we not get golden god jamie in the

“Has Claire perhaps trusted this apothecary a little too easily? Getting some very ominous vibes off this embroidered vest.”

I thought the same, but still have read every last damn one of the books in the series. They are very rapey — possibly not quite as rapey as GoT, but still very rapey. It seems like just about every character gets raped at some point or another eventually. I’m on the fence, however, about whether this is lazy writing

Bless this show for bringing back Jamie in a nightshirt! And Jamie beating on people again!

Mary’s rape is the catalyst for much of the action to come.

Yeah, thought I wanted a newer home that required little maintenance when we were looking. All the houses we saw built in the last 20 years were completely unappealing due to either cheap materials or being built within 5 feet of the neighbor’s house.

I understand your response to this guy, but just want to point out that a fixed-rate mortgage is the most common and the economy won’t have any affect on the homeowner in this case.

Sold a condo to rent a house. Best move I ever made. No headaches of ownership anymore. Got a problem? Call the landlord and say “fix it!” And being a house, a simple call with “hey, I’d like to upgrade so and so and I’ll pay for it and do the work” usually gets a “Cool!” because they get to see an increase in

As a controls engineer, the only people in my class who are not renting several years out are those who received “loans” from their parents and/or who live in low-COL places like Regina, SK. They are working towards paying off their loans but to say someone living in, say, Toronto is *broke* for not renting is

Nope. The property owner gets and pays the bill, so you don’t have any documentation to support taking a deduction. Also, the tax includes the ground as well as the structure (in many cases more than half the value is in the ground), so you have nothing to show your portion.

Definitely look into it anyway. I’m not sure how a homeowner/landlord is listed in the IRS stuff, not sure if they take it if you can too because that would be double dipping, but! I also haven’t even seen anyone in my area anyway who rents a house out for less than the mortgage, taxes and insurance plus a profit. So