Phil Kessel: Hotdog Lover

You make presumptions on the nature of man though, and that is the entire crux of the debate between any political theory and does not really have any solid answer. And the point of libertarianism and my point about him clearly not knowing about it is that they deliberately do not want elites controlling the actions

It is more just funny that those who hate on Capitalism rely so much on technology and innovation and products that could literally only be obtained through a Capitalist system. Also funny because they are protesting Capitalism on a device they paid for that is branded with the logo of a large ruthlessly Capitalistic

On every fucking planet it is available. Double chesseburge for less than $2 dollars? In what way is that expensive? You could eat at McDonalds every meal of every day and keep your food expenses bellow $360 easily. Not saying it is the healthiest options, but it would stop starvation.

You said alleviate the problems for people who aren't making 6 figures or say fuck it and let them starve. My point is that you don;t even need close to 6 figures to not starve and to do well, especially in most parts of the country not named San Francisco and New York. And also, your 4 figures estimate for

The point is that a choice like getting soda should not be limited by the government in this way. It is repugnant for the government o target poor people like this to try to force them to change behaviors.

Yes, because that is exactly what i was talking about. You really burned me there bro! Definitely wasn't talking about the government outlawing gambling, prostitution, weed, and trying to tax people enough to force them to give up tobacco, liquor, and sugary drinks. I was definitely talking about public health

Yes, but the whole alt-right movement is relatively. Trump got elected by a lot of other people who aren't alt-right, and some of those people are also not Republicans who just voted along party line. to those people, electing a so-called outsider who promised to "drain the swamp" was their idea of strengthening the

Yeah, I had forgotten about that episode. You are not wrong there.

For sure. How anyone saw Trump as anything but one of elites is beyond me. if i am choosing my outsider to elect to office, I would probably not choose the Billionaire lol.

More stupid than trusting that those who seek power and influence over others will have a benevolent attitude and will have your best interest at heart? Just because individuals can make bad decisions doesn't mean that individuals shouldn't be able to make those decisions. The freedom to make a decision for yourself,

I don't disagree with you there. Definitely could be far worse. But just because there are worse versions in the world doesn't mean I should pretend that the government has my best interest at heart.

I also didn't remember the dolphin episode, which was what I think he was talking about. Only remembered the recent Jenner stuff.

You clearly have very little understanding of libertarians… or conservatives for that matter….or common sense.

Raising minimum wages is the basically the easiest way to increase unemployment.

Taxes as market friendly lol. Sin taxes, soda taxes, and restrictions are different sides of the same coin. Call them what you want, but we all know what they really are: Government regulations meant to dictate behavior and restrict decision making by the people. Just ways to try to legislate morality and remove

'I want to raise the minimum wage because I hate poor people and want them to suffer"

You realize how hard it is to actually starve in America, right? like food is really cheap and easy to get here. In fact, the cheap availability of food can be attributed to places just like McDonald's, funnily enough.

How much money do you think a person needs to not starve? Six figures lol.

That's not really relevant. You can believe that the most important unit of civilization is the individual and still be a part of a community and receive the advantages of it. Hell, from that perspective communities are simply a collection of individuals. All this really means is that they think decisions should be

It was based on a book that did glorify fascism so they were't so far off base, but it is definitely a stupid analysis of the movie.