Phil Kessel: Hotdog Lover

Libertarians would probably be best summarized as believing that the basic unit of civilization is an individual rather than a community. this is probably the best summary for Parker and Stone too, hence their points largely seem to be based on people making decisions for themselves and a distrust of organizations

Was that anti-trans or was that more about not making Jenner into a hero just because she was trans.

Depends on what is meant by wankery. They have definitely pushed forward a classical liberal viewpoint though. Whether its about smoking, or hate crimes, or glbal warming.

Distrust of political elites is what got Trump elected. But the truth is that there is a lot of reason to distrust the political elite. It's not just cynicism to say that most politicians and bureaucrats don't have your best interest at heart. it is just a realistic appraisal of their prior actions.

I don't doubt they hate the Democrat party more than they hate the Republican party, but that doesn't mean they like the Republican party. A lot of Libertarians are registered Republicans, even if they hate a lot of Republican beliefs. Generally they just hate Democrat's more so they throw their support behind the

You definitely have sand in your Vagina.

Comedians are such pussies sometimes.

Twitter rarely reflects a congressman's constituents. Neither do most phone calls and emails.

I watched 6 episodes of elementary. 3 when it first aired and 3 more in
the time since. Nothing I saw ever convinced me it was anything more
than a generic CBS show. If we are being honest, they have essentially
been doing the same thing for years (making a modern day Sherlock Holmes
type figure). The only

Agreed. Sometimes this website is a joke.