Yep. Bought an ‘18 Jaguar XF Sportbrake in December, CPO, loaded to the hilt, for basically a pre-COVID price. Got a killer trade value on my trade-in, too, like basically drove it for free for 2 years killer trade value.
Yep. Bought an ‘18 Jaguar XF Sportbrake in December, CPO, loaded to the hilt, for basically a pre-COVID price. Got a killer trade value on my trade-in, too, like basically drove it for free for 2 years killer trade value.
genius level urban planner
Hell yes, I frequently listen to Well There’s Your Problem, that guy’s (Justin Roczniak) podcast about engineering gone wrong. It’s excellent, but you have to have an acquired taste of irreverence when speaking about horrible shit.
You’re going to get Helsinki for that joke
Fortunately for Honda, the prices on everything are before destination fees. After the charge, the base prices look like this:
2022 Civic Si: $28,315
2021 WRX: $28,420
2022 GR 86: $28,725
2022 BRZ: $28,955
2022 GTI: $30,540
Fun fact, this is the leading cause of old age in Eastern Europe, Japan, Louisiana, and weirdly enough, Cincinnati.
Yeah, that kayak on top... look at us, we our ready for the outdoors. Good luck wrestling that thing up and down from there. You have a perfectly good, empty roof rack on that SUV, no lets put this boat up to the top of the camper, and not flat, but sideways...
I have been to Detroit and Kabul. Kabul looked better. Have fun.
The strange thing is that I’ve suddenly seen more poor man Ferraris lately than in my living history. Is there a massive deal on Maserati’s that I don’t know about?
Based on the prices of some of these lightly used vehicles, it would not surprise me if some friend of the owner, or perhaps the owner himself, is buying exotic cars, driving them for a bit, and flipping them through the dealership.
It’s stick shift, V10 R8 money with plenty leftover to deal with Audi supercar gremlins.
“What’s an acre?”
--NYC residents
My father owned one of these and watching it gradually impoverish my family was one of the stronger car memories from my childhood.
As a follow up to my prior comment, I shared the link with my Dad and his response sums up this car perfectly.
LS swaps are overdone, yeah, yeah, but these are the perfect candidates.
My Dad owned one of these when I was 3(ish), definitely under 5, everything you stated above is accurate. This thing is so likely to breakdown on its way home after purchase, not even Vegas would put odds on it. I remember it always breaking down, often either an electrical or cooling issue. I feel like it really…