... I literally have a degree in physics.
... I literally have a degree in physics.
The answer is making the internet a public utility, like has been done in places like Chattanooga and Lafayette. It’s fast, serves rural communities, and isn’t impacted by weather.
You know what the problem with Starlink is, and always will be? We live on a planet with rain, clouds, and other phenomenon known as “weather” that can severely disrupt Starlink.
For $10,500? A Cavalier? I don’t care it it’s a convertible. Hell, I wouldn’t care if it also included a modest vacation package to the glorious sunkist beaches of Puerto Rico valued at $5,500, while Vanna White herself flips the final letters as I solve “My wife is leaving me because I bought a Cavalier for $10,500.”
Speaking as someone who works for a defense contractor... you’re right. The more you can put your parts in every single Congressional district, the less likely your project is to die.
Toyota has the most complex and widespread supply chain in the United States of any automotive manufacturer, and it’s not even close.
The Chinese government is probably doing this for two reasons...
Usually I’d say use a rubber for protection, but in this case... maybe you need protection from the rubber.
Let’s say you live in a place where it snows, and you have a nicer car that you’d rather not expose to salt and sand. For $2,800, this isn’t a “winter beater” but rather a functional driver that just needs some proper snow tires to be an easy choice to keep your other vehicles in the garage.
I’m not sure how much I thought an F1 car weighed, but 1,400 pounds and north of 750 horsepower? My brain just bent itself in half.
I’m just here to do my job.
Unsprung mass and great tires make a heck of a difference: So here’s the deal about buying wheels and tires...
He basically had no chance to save it. I’d be frustrated if I were in his position as well. The replay is in his favor. It doesn’t look like the bike was squirmy or even starting a little shimmy. It was all at once, like a dam breaking.
You know what’s even more amazing than a super-modded Supra? A bone stock Supra. I don’t think I have actually seen one since the mid 90s. My mom’s co-worker had a Supra, and I thought it was the coolest car ever.
My client Mark runs an ozone truck that cleans hockey and football equipment out of Western Pennsylvania. I can say that ozone, without a doubt, will remove the sweat and stank odors that tend to come from the gym or hard workouts.
Even with this low price, this Evora should probably be priced lower. (That factors in the current used car market being stratospheric.) In terms of price, this one is about $15,000 over where it needs to be.
A surfboard in a protective bag.
Okay, let’s just put this on par with other convertibles that are in the same shouting distance: You could get into a high-ish mileage S2000. There are some good Boxsters in this territory. A near-new Miata would be on the table here. You could do a C5 Corvette without a top, if you’re into that sort of thing. (Or, if…
Culturally, sure. I’d never get in a taxi again after playing this game. It’s why we have Uber and Lyft today. Cab drivers are insane.