Shane McKinley

"You are a small ant, and I am a big God". Catholic here (not a very good one). I get it. Who are we to question. We are horrible, miserable little creatures who's time is very, very brief. But, you know, us human beings have to take real action on things on some point in our lives. We can't just sit here like slugs

I mean… 2 Death Stars destroyed. Not good for morale. "Some kid blew it up with a lucky shot? Who built it like that in the first place? And some Ewoks overran our dudes on the moon base? What the hell happened to us? Man, I picked the wrong team."

X Gonna Give It To Ya!

B-b-b-b-blacks!!!!! And they're dancing for too long!!!!!

In a really, really awful NFL season…I mean, I watch NFL redzone and I'm barely hanging on…every week NFL is seemingly doing it's best to drive away fans….it's the best thing to happen so far.

If Beavis and Butthead got brought back, so can this.

The Question: How would Weird Al spin Drake's Hotline Bling song?

I'm a bit of a asshole, but even I realize the negative backlash of "I'm not going to even allow you to live so that I can make more money. And not even be sly about my price uptake. We go to the cost of a Burger King meal for 2 to ZOOM the price of a luxury sedan" You go, "Are people really that stupid and

What I know of Doug:

I'm in baby. This and the James Bond movie. I know, I'm a sap.

"Yo, Paulie, ya see what they doin with the Eagles? Holy shit man"

Richard Roundtree?

Usually interesting characters are ones who have overcome or are combating their fear.

Oh yeah! Want to go see this.

Life is Strange lost me during the first bathroom scene. "Oh look a pretty blue butterfly! Oh no, somebody got shot in the bathroom! Oh, I went back in time somehow!"

"Hey, you wanna go see that new Indian Sandler flick"
"Nah, man. I have standards"
"By the way, they're making Happy Gilmore 2. Tiger has a cameo"

C'mon, guys. PIXELS. I don't think anybody's going to see Sandler in weird films nowadays ("The Cobbler"? What the hell)

The comments….The A.V. Club language can be hard to understand, man. It's like…advanced humans are commenting here.

Yeah. I was watching the Entourage trailer and typically in those trailers aimed at guys they'll be at least one sex tease. Unless I'm mistaken, no sex tease. I admit, Mad Max II is a bit before my time. But Hollywood is like, "oh wait, women watch movies too"

It's like Back to the Future II with the boring dude from "Die Hard Russia" (ugh). This just looks lame.