Shane McKinley

In Chris Rock's recent flick the line was out the door for Madea's "BOO!"

I sure noticed Tyler Perry's "Boo" doubled down on the clown hype in their ads

My goal one day is for my 15 minutes of fame to be turned into a "sexy" halloween costume where most of the responses are, "Are you dressed like… Super Mario? I dunno"

He ain't no John Shaft!

Pros: It's gets people walking

How to describe Street Fighter V's story mode in two words: Chess pieces.

Season 2 never should have happened. Loved season 1 but I stayed the hell away from season 2.

But he didn't do it in a Chewbacca mask! Negative points

How many more Game of Thrones characters have to die before the show ends? Is it 5?

Roger Moore did the most James Bond movies, but his stuff was less "punch punch kick kick grimace" and more like "boob joke butt joke wink wink"

It always pissed me off like "Well, I'm just going to sleep the entire month of September". That's not the right response.

And yet he doesn't rap about the Toronto Raptors. Odd.

But is this a "plane movie?" Or is it a "i'm hungover and could use something light and banal to watch" movie?

Reebok: "Wait, what the hell is a 'woman cosplayer'? What's cosplay?"

Am I allowed to not care about this? Feels like the media is all like, "THIS IS MAJESTIC ART YOU HEATHEN"

But it is available on amazon mp3?

I like how the movie title "God's Not Dead 2" sounds like a shoot-em up action flick. "Well lemme tell you something Donny….God's still not dead! He's back. Again. And he's coming for your ass!" "Oh fuck! God, help me!" "God's not gonna help you! He's gonna slit your throat!"

I don't care much for the b.s. internet articles.

I can live with a C-.