Shane McKinley

I'll stick with lusting over women who wear the Pokeman bra, thanks. Pikachu!

Where's the show for us. The middle of the pack in terms of beauty and intelligence. Guess that doesn't make good tv though.

Same thing we teach bullied kids: Rise above it. Who cares what the internet says? Most of it is just cyber confidence.

He must roll around on the ground while firing his gun. He must.

I remember him talking to some kid in that Pain & Gain movie. Something along the lines like, "I'm gonna sleep with your mom, you little shit. I'll be your new stepdad".


Another C grade. The A"C"VClub , amrite?  Eh. I'll leave now.

I'm still stuck in the 90s music scene, I'm afraid. Gonna start up discovering David Bowie. I go through these phases. Guns N' Roses phase. Eels phase. The National phase. Never went through a Daft Punk phase.

He's no Michael Jackson.

This makes no sense. People went to go see "Grown Ups 2" in droves while nearly every critic went, "This film is poo poo". Maybe after the failure of Will Smith's "Wild Wild West" and "Cowboys and Aliens", people just frankly don't give a shit about this type of movie.

It's like some movies are just made to make money. Woah. Good for them. If I had the power to fleece people out of money, I would smurfin' do it.

It's a shitty movie but I sure hear a lot about it. Super.

Warren Buffet throwing up Jay-Z's hand gesture at a club. Warren Buffet Breaking Bad. An old rich man who's cool and not evil? Movies, you lie!

Without Justin these guys are just guys with painted on goatees and beards

I watched a old episode (that was made recently) and I found it quite funny. Maybe we've been too hard on the Simpsons.

Go to and there's been posts featuring content of the new show. Also, props to CW to airing these shows online. Cable's going away.

Drake is a canuck jew. I find that weird.

I think that there should be clips on every paragraph. With this type of article, many people aren't going to read a wall o' text

Yep, that's true.

I don't think they actually saw the movie. They probably just read some other reviews and gave it a "meh" grade.