Shane McKinley

It's like you're looking at a young, idealistic Bob Dylan back in the 60s…and then you realize, oh it's that guy that killed my neighbors.

"These people will buy anything! Ha ha ha ha!" Don't blame him. If you had that pull, you'll probably do it too.

Yet everybody's going to see this. Must need to get their deer peeing humor fix, I guess.

I dunno, this feels like America's stupidest summer yet. Band's sounds ok, but it's weird. STP + Linkin Park = weirdness.

"Wait, if I don't feed the fame monster, maybe the fame monster will start to ignore me"

"The Great Gatsby! You'll get a headache!" Reminded of the sugary mess that was "Speed Racer". This film just looks like too much.

"The Great Gatsby! You'll get a headache!" Reminded of the sugary mess that was "Speed Racer". This film just looks like too much.