
I notice some people here hate Alec Baldwin's Trump impression. I can only assume they are big Trump fans, because it does shine a bright light on the ugliness of the man's character, but it's exquisite. That's not to say it's worth an Emmy (probably not) but it's quite good.

Sure, but I don't really see that as a problem. Some shows approach their drama more melodramatically, which is sort of an old-fashioned thing, but IMO that doesn't mean it's the wrong way, just different.
I liked Parenthood a little better, and that was underappreciated by audiences and critics, but I'm glad another

Kristen Schall did get a Bojack nomination. But that's it I think.

I like Master of None, but I have to agree. The quality is a little uneven from one episode to the next.

I haven't seen it, so maybe I'm wrong to do so, but your comment gave me a good laugh.

Bojack would've been a well-deserved one.
Edit: Looks like Kristen Schaal did get nominated for voicing Sara Lynn, so there's that.

You can't see me but I'm giving you the bird right now.

We're gonna find those missing Emmy votes if it burns this MFer down!

TBH, I think Banks's performance is one of the weaker parts of Saul. He's good, don't get me wrong, but he's also a tired old man, and it shows, even though he's supposed to be playing a younger version of his character from Bad. McKean and Seehorn are better, Mando I'm not sure.

Modern Family hasn't been good for a long time. Why no recognition for something fresh and daring like The Good Place?

So two years in the U.S. Senate and several years before that in Illinois statehouse is about as good a resume as NOTHING AT ALL?
You're an idiot.

I just can't understand the appeal of watching Woody Allen being an old creep chasing after teenage girls. I admit I've never seen any of his movies, but that's because the entire concept is a hard pass for me.

I think he was just making an acronym for "news information guy" and trying to popularize it.

Most of my favorite scripted shows are on NBC. But I just never stumbled across this one.

I heard about this show many times but never saw it. Turns out it's on during the summer? WTF is that about?

Nice article. It's odd to me that anyone could have watched that show and not seen Walt for the insecure, scared man he was, even though we still mostly liked him. Skyler was fine, no saint, just a woman trying to figure out what the hell was going on with her husband while still holding the family together.

That would be pretty shitty, but then, Kim isn't married to Jimmy and they don't have kids together. Skyler was in a much tougher position.

That's interesting, because I am constantly confused as to why some people don't like to watch his movies. Yeah, he belongs to a weird cult, so what? He is one of the most utterly compelling and watchable individuals to ever be on screen, and the intensity/craziness in him is a huge part of that.

"There's definitely a way to approach PC culture in a satirical way, I just don't think UKS does it that well."
If that's your genuine take, fair enough. Though it seems to me there are plenty of people here, with comments similar to yours, who genuinely don't see that PC culture is a thing that can and should be the

You may have misunderstood my comment. I take no issue at all with comedy being political- what I take issue with is the idea that it has the obligation to do so under a strict, moralistic set of rules. The best comics and comedic writers have no sacred cows at all- in fact it is other peoples' sacred cows that make