
To each his own. I find it funny to take something so idealized in the human mind as sex, and see it reduced by the harsh realities of modern life into an association with life's most obnoxious and mundane obligations, like renewing your tabs at the DMV.

It doesn't need to have nuance though. This show's jokes run the gamut from nuanced to flat obvious. Who here has begged for more nuance from the show in its handling of less sacred cows?

Sure. But it's still funny.

That's a really good point! But some groups of people are more self-righteous than others. I think nerds can probably handle a little sharp satire aimed at them, but nerds aren't really the sort of people who are interested in telling the world what is and is not appropriate to think, feel, or say.

Isn't the idea of a sexual consent form funny enough, independent of the character?
It's like "Hey, do you wanna head to my place, have a little wine, maybe see where the night takes us? Let's start the paperwork."

You honestly don't see what they have in common? It's their self-righteous, moralistic nature. Both cultures are heavily into telling people what is and is not appropriate for them to think, feel, and say. Comedians love to take the p**s out of any group that does that.
As far as whether you are part of campus pc

What is the problem if Fey is taking a hard stance against this campus PC culture? You seem to be acknowledging that you can't find it funny because you are a part of that culture.

Basically, if you want to know if some jokes about group A were good satire, you probably shouldn't ask a bunch of group A folks what they thought about it.

Oh please. This show doesn't regress anything. It is aimed at, and watched mostly by, socially conscious, intelligent, young people. And its humor runs the gamut from nuanced to obvious, highbrow to lowbrow, much like that of the Simpsons. If you can't appreciate some humor aimed at our own generation, maybe it just

The evidence seems to indicate that if you get far enough in any direction on the ideological spectrum, you lose your sense of humor.

It's just comedy. It just has to be funny to enough people. I hate the idea that comedy is obligated to advance certain social causes and if liberal comedians don't toe a certain line with their jokes (God forbid they find humor at the expense of close ideological allies) they are "out of touch."

I don't have or know the name for it, but I think the whole "this set of issues that are important to me are bigger problems than those other things so why are you complaining about those other things" is a terrible fallacy like so many others. The idea of "safe spaces" and much of the related field of thought may not

One of the nice things about being a liberal is that other liberals don't get to decide whether you're a "true liberal." Maybe that's best left to "progressives." And conservatives, of course.

I think you nailed it.

Agreed. When she says in the trailer: "It is our sacred duty to defend the world, and it is what I'm going to do" I believe her! Goosebumps, man.

Good article, except where you said that Vin Diesel had charisma.

Theodore Bagwell from Prison Break! For Pete's sake, the guy is some kind of uber-creepy pedophile and he's still hard not to like, which is sort of terrible if you think about it too much.

The Rock is not a good film. As a kid I couldn't have possibly been a good judge of it, but I watched it a few years ago and it was awful.

He did.

I disagree about Jimmy. I find him as funny as anyone on the show, save for Mickey.