Shane Gowland

Rent a small VPS in Europe or something, install OpenVPN on it.

Trump wasn't president when the crossover aired in December. That means Thawne used the spear to make Donny president. Is there no limit to his evil?

Take my upvotes.

I vaguely recall an armed occupation of government property in Oregon.

I love that a little bit of Jenna Maroney lives on in every Jane Krakowski character.

Senator Nadeer: "I'm going to kill you because you're an Inhuman"
Vijay: "I'm not an Inhuman"
Senator Nadeer: "Cool, imma let you live"
Vijay: "I'm an inhuman now, mind if I come on your chopper sit between these two goons who were going to kill me anyway?"

Diggle apparently didn't think to ask for a presidential pardon last week when the President personally gave him a medal.

I had a snake-themed nightmare last night that stole a lot of footage from this clip.

The dirtiest thing I've ever read is: "a certain wall-crawler might be getting a little smack from a certain magic hammer"

The "khan's support sharia law" nonsense was invented by Ted Shoebat and spread by Roger Stone, who later withdrew the claim and apologized.

I stand corrected. But still, I doubt many bodies would have been identifiable after the blast. She could have escaped and gone into hiding , or the squire could have been misinformed or lying.

He probably should have waited for confirmation that Margaery was indeed dead before making his jump.

Male Gouldian finch, photographed in the last few weeks of spring; actually.

My dog is named Moose and my sister's dog is named Eddie. It's quite obvious we were a Frasier-loving household in the mid-nineties.

We don't know that.

The show needs to explain why a de-powered Darhk can't take on a few prison goons. Wasn't he next-in-line to be Ra's al Ghul before he learned his little magic tricks?

I had to pause for a few minutes to regain my composure after 'Gideon: Bone me."

Was pretty disappointed with this episode. Though it was nice to read a review that wasn't overwhelmingly negative - even if I agree with Sava that the show is 'visually uninspired.'

But he never figured out he could probably also control Bobbi's metal bracelets.

He's friends with Felicity. Friends mourn for the death of their friends' parents.