Shane Gowland

Naww this is adorable.

They exhausted their Kelsey Grammer budget very quickly.

Franz Drameh, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, Wentworth Miller, Victor Garber, John Barrowman, and Keiynan Lonsdale have all left in the last year or so. Not a great time to be black or gay in the Arrowverse, it would seem.

(though it would break the canon a little if he learned too much about the Kree).

C+ was generous.

I’m surprised he didn’t discuss the insane complexity of the voting system. 37% of seats will be allocated on a first-past-the-post system, while the remaining 61% will be allocated proportionately, plus a handful of seats that automatically go to “senators for life.”

Then there’s the actual voting form. Holy shit

Oliver viciously stabbing a dude right at the end of Felicity’s ‘Oliver is good guy’ speech is the kind of black comedy I live for.

That New Yorker joke hit way too close to home.

So at this point, we’re all in agreement that the solid first season was a complete fluke, right?

Yes! The last three episodes literally opened with “previously on Crisis on Earth X”, yet none of the other reviewers grasped that this was a ‘miniseries’ simply borrowing a timeslot from the usual shows.

How dare the bad guy attempt to destroy Black Bolt’s slave plantation! I, for one, am relieved he’s been imprisoned for life without trial.

Why does nobody on the Genetic Council have any powers?

I can top that.

"'Collusion' — no, we don't have that yet."

"They're not worth nothing."

I dunno. This year's federal budget is a lot more progressive than those put forth under Abbott/Hockey.

It stands for 'motorized intelligent technodrone termin-' it's a human's name

I didn't present a single thought or opinion on the presence of Trumpicles. I said "good" about a TV show's decision not to focus a story line on him, because so many other TV shows are already doing it.

I did like the like headline though. It told me that there's no Trump storyline in a show I like, which is news that I approve of. Also it mentioned 30 Rock. What kind of mouth-breathing Appalachian doesn't like 30 Rock?

Good. All Trump, all the time, is exhausting.