Shane Eudy

This is why motorcycle track days are great. You can tell who the shitty riders are very easily - they’re slow or crashed. No stability control to save you from your catastrophic lack of skill and having a faster bike is meaningless if you can’t ride it - a Ninja 300 is faster on a circuit in the hands of a club racer

Having both owned and worked around car lots I can confirm that while none of these stories MAY be true the all COULD be.

Yes. Please do. I’ll even add a few things:

I was a car stereo installer way back when that was a thing. My favorite customer experience was when a guy came in for a deck for his daughter’s spanking new Neon or something.


Solution to the touchscreen problem: stop fucking using touchscreens. I do not, under any circumstances, need a video screen taking up half my dashboard.

Yeah, I was also thinking about the time this guy spent on this thing. That wasn't trivial. Sounds like many hours of work, especially with all the retesting. Granted, some of that was because he didn't know what he was doing, but I'd bet the dealership service department isn't experienced or equipped to do this

Is the 'Ring time believable, though? Leaving aside the obvious point that these lap times are ultimately kind of meaningless, I say maybe.

Reasons for leasing (as long as you aren't Jalopnik's typical 19 year old commenter)

Uh, most atheists I know are really smart and educated people. Cops, on the other hand, tend to bear religious stuff all around. And be the kind of people that would ride the hood of a car. They frequently shoot each other by accident, and then they go to church. Police stations are full of crosses, too.

I was amazed how often this happens. I fly semi regularly from EWR to TLV on United (so not demanding American culture on a foreign flag carrier.)

This is of course much easier for Christians like you, who control the laws and procedures.

This isn't a male/female thing. That may be the topic, but it's not the issue. It's probably more accurate to say "Dear religious extremists of the world..."

where to you draw the line between accommodating someone's faith and interfering with a flight crew

Apparently this is what religion is capable of accomplishing in this day and age. There is no solution except reminding everyone that this is the 21st Century.

The Russian ruble is collapsing, crude oil prices are dropping, hackers can cancel the release of a movie with some vague threats, the recession continues. One small piece of the universe remains a constant. Somewhere, someone Swedish is stuffing a wholly inappropriate engine into a similarly inappropriate automobile.

New Christmas game: Tavarish Against Humanity. Go.

iRacing pwns all of these.

On the flipside of this coin, I'd love to see an "average" or"mediocre" Formula 1 driver do a track day in something like a Miata or non-AMG C-Class and decimate all. Make a video with someone who always gets ragged on, like Max Chilton, and have them destroy regular people in an average car. Chris Harris, get on this!

Easy, front wheel drive increases range because of improved regenerative braking.