Damn, that suck. What a terrible way to run an autox club.
Damn, that suck. What a terrible way to run an autox club.
Two things:
So they're going to swap out something that weighs 1200 lb in the time it takes to fill up a car with gasoline?!?! Can't wait to see this!
187 mph without a roll cage - or even a roll bar - is pretty stupid.
This does not seem unreasonable. Gasoline taxes pay for our roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. Super efficient hybrids are good for the environment but they still put the same amount of wear & tear on our roads as conventional vehicles of similar weight. If you think about it, there are two basic factors that…
I enjoyed this making-of video much more than the actual video which had far, FAR too many quick cuts & edits for my taste.
Song: This Too Shall Pass
So let me get this straight. You're driving around on bald rear tires and it's the CAR'S fault!? Please. Take some reaponibility for properly maintaining your car.
I can offer one more confirmation that the Rice Crispies trick does in fact work. My girlfriend dropped her iPhone 4 in the toilet just before we left to go out of town. We bought a box of Rice Crispies on the way out, dumped them in a zip bag, tossed the iPhone in, and zipped it up. Two days later the phone was…
My iPhone 4S on Verizon will show 5 bars when the signal is general -70 or better. The best signal strength I've ever seen is -47. It drops to 4 bars somewhere around -80, three bars around -90, and two bars around -100. Once it reaches -90, 3G service starts to seriously drag. At anything beyond -110 and you…
I can offer one more confirmation that the Rice Crispies trick does in fact work. Shortly after reading this story, my girlfriend dropped her iPhone 4 in the toilet. We bought a box of Rice Crispies, dumped them in a zip bag, tossed the iPhone in, and zipped it up. Two days later the phone was perfect.
You can encrypt your backups with by turning on the options in iTunes.