Shane Brooks

Gonna suck major oversized Monkey Balls. :P

An Amazing episode!! :)

I bet if we all were all the same in every way some douche bags would find another reason to cry about everyone being the same. So go figure humans have to complain about something to give them some reason too. Even if it does or does not exist. This part we never have evolved past and probably never will. Food for

Another moron, woot they are everywhere. You slant eyed bastage. :)

It's ok to be a moron. Least you know what you are to help save yourself from a lost of connection too what defines you. Have a nice moronic day. :)

No one cares, but you and the moronic few. But we have to balance the morons from the non-morons so i guess that will have to do, unfortunately.

No ones cares, just watch the show moron.

So i missed one character(every one does this from time to time), "t" to form, " at", instead i only put an, "a". I think even your one brain cell on life support could have figured that out, but maybe you are mentally challenged. I think it's the only thing that you could come up with since you do not stand a

Like i said before you cannot be saved, poor pleb. I bet a one time your parents wanted to abort you, but it was too late. I suppose you can always try a post abortion method. I am sure you would have there consent. Just do the world and yourself a favor. Delete and do not re-install. RIP Pleb.


Like I said you cannot be saved you poor pleb. I bet your parents considered birth control, but was too late. Well I assume you could perform a post abortion. I am sure you will have there consient. So do yourself and the world a favor. Delete, do not reinstall. Rip pleb.

Let me take back what i said about the first step to healing is acceptance. I believe the first step for you is realizing that your not even capable of understanding even that. So your lost and pointless. Go back to what you call a life and throw it into the trash waste bin. In fact, even the recycle bin rejects what

Oh stop pretending and accept what you are. Acceptance is the first step into the healing process. Good luck.

I do not dissect a program to gratify my own personal vendetta. I just watch and enjoy it at face value and engross myself into the show. If you want to make a personal mission to insult others because they cannot accept your views that is your provocative and shows your egotistical.

Hate to break it to you, but this it's only a show. It's ok some people get confused watching certain(if not most of them)tv programs and thinking it's reality. My view without writing a novel about it.

Maybe you should write some books about your feelings and views. I mean come on bro you cause write more than that to make your pointless point. Make sure you autograph it to yourself. Sign it: Dear Me: To the one that matters most ~Pleb

Like a raging dictionary! I choose words to fit my logic. Like most bipeds. Gotta be correct no matter what.

You have no profound logic, pleb. :P

Nope English is native too, Jamaica. You did not know this? You been living under a rock?

See you are learning you caught what i put there intentionally. :) Good job! Give that dog a bone(r).