Shane Brooks

Go finger yourself, well unless your fingers rather not from the funk. :P

I did not read all this cause all i see is alot of crying. Have a tissue for your issues bro. ALSO people just want to bitch about something, it's human nature i suppose. ;) Love that part.

No i think it comes from mars.

I am talking about the story and not about the color or gender of the characters. You are just so dead set on it about being about the color of the skin. Plus when people like yourself see the world in this way and preach about it others probably will follow the same view. That is counterproductive and it only makes

Yah, cause it does not matter, but it does matter cause it doesn't. :P

Mrs. English you might want to work on your spelling. It is spelled civilization, not civilisation. You tagged me about not using proper placement of a word, but you just failed on spelling. hypocritical wench. Gotta love karma. :)

LOL! So your defense is your calling me an illiterate? Least you got the point i was making. Why were you holding a phone? We are texting in case you little brain could not figure that out. It's ok your will learn in time. Baby steps, you will get there. maybe.

No i can care LESS about the color. It's about the story(guess your not understanding)that matters. Look at it this way, when you buy a burger from a fast food chain, you eat the food not the wrapper. Cause that is what matters not the outer layer. So that is another way to explain it the way i see it. I do not look

Yah we know who the real lonely sad still nursing from momma troll baby is. :P

Bad enough we have the worst president and now capt. america. Make him an American Indian the first true Americans. But nobody will mention that culture or race. Just black and white is what the mass narrow minded population thinks in 'Mercia, these days. Sad, but true.

It;s just a show BRO, so it does not matter. If you let something like this bother you and it;s not real(fiction) then you have personal issues or your just narrow minded.

It;s just a show and nothing else. Your reading into something that is not there. If your not happy with your skin color that is a personal problem you have to deal with yourself. Plus who really cares bout the skin color it does not CHANGE THE STORY. So in short it does not matter. Hell they can be all one color

Yah people gotta cry about something it seems bro. :) I can careless what color or gender the characters are. Does not really change the story cause it;s just the skin color and gender parts that is about it. I think it's funny reading the comments on how people are defending these characters in a fictional show.

Yah centuries ago and other countries of other races have done it aswell. Centuries ago, not today Mr. Wizard.. lol

They would not have anything left to cry about.