
An AV club article written by some liberal pussy? What a shock.

Wow, for once something constructive happens in the comments section of this far left liberal site.

That's why I listen to Van Halen. No drama there.

I love Jesus and I will be saved when I die. Nonbelievers will go to hell when they die.

Yeah, whatever. Go fuck an AIDS patient.

If this show was like an actual womens prison, that white girl who makes all the speeches would get beat up by fat black lesbians anytime she tried to open her mouth.

I tried watching this show for a few minutes, and I realized this show is made for women. Its basically a soap opera marketed towards the female 18-40 demographic. I got bored and switched the channel.

Jesus said that if we preach his message to a town that does not accept our lord, we must wipe the dust off our feet, and preach his message to that town instead. But it is our duty as Catholics to spread the true word of our lord, so people can be saved.

Satan I rebuke you, for what you put me through, but all that pain stops here as long as I have Jesus in my life I will have no fear.-DMX- As far as it goes with you and me Mr "Lost in the Morridor" I suggest you get your ass in check before to long and have a talk with Jesus. If you think I am about to stop loving

If you donate your organs to science, please don't donate your heart. A heart that does not love Jesus is no good to anyone.

You attack my beliefs because the people who run TV and internet tell you its the cool thing to do. But those people cant give you what Jesus can give you little brother, Salvation. Someday in this life your heart will be broken, your mother may die, or you could lose everything. You should not wait till then to

Nice soundbite man. No you are not supposed to believe every word of the Bible. Some of it was written by men But every word Jesus says in the Gospel is straight from him. Jesus died for you. You are just some little shit spoiled brat who thinks he knows everything, There will be a time in your life when God will

God makes it clear in the Bible that he IS love, he is what love means. He did not create all those people to punish them for no reason. God gave everyone a soul, and what we do on this earth determines how the next life will go for us. If you think this world around you exists without God having created it you are a

Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me, will never die."

I dont think you are stupid or evil. I do not hate you. I am your brother, and most of my life I did not believe in Jesus either. I played in bands and I worked as a NY cop, and I drank and felt angry at the world. My father died when I was 10 in front of me and my little sister. I carried that anger deep inside and

Again, you are making excuses for yourself, and robbing yourself of the salvation Jesus promised. Do you honestly think you have the right to judge God who made this world? The God who invented every complicated aspect of science? Who exactly , are YOU? I will tell you what you are. A blind, conceited man who is

Im trying to scare you? Brainwash you? No man, Im trying to tell you the truth, Im trying to show you what it means to be happy. You are making excuses for yourself and just doing what the people on TV an Hollywood tell you, to live a life of ME ME ME society tells you to live while you ignore the salvation Jesus

If you believe every word of the Bible is God speaking directly to us, you will lose faith. The Bible is not enough, you need to look inside your heart and be man enough to pray to Jesus for these answers you seek. Christ put the spirit in side you, he made you smart enough to ask these questions, many of the saints

You are missing the fucking point and making excuses for yourself. I can tell you have been searching for Jesus, but you saw the sacrifice you need to make to truly follow him, and you gave up. Let me tell you something about this life: You either go for it or you give up, make excuses and die. Those are your options

Are you smoking fucking crack rocks or something?