
Jesus makes anger itself a sin- He says "If one of you should call your brother raqua, (fool) you are in danger of hell." Part of the our Father is "forgive us our trespasses, ONLY AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO HAVE TRESPASSED AGAINST US." My friend, you have Christianity confused for something else. In the Christian

Well I was an atheist growing up, went to Iona college, not that it matters to you, you think all us Christians are Idiots. First of all why do you care what I think? You have already decided that there is no God. Im going to Answer you as best I can. You are right to think many Christians are not always so Christian.

Jesus gave you the courage in your heart, you already have it. If You need help finding a better way to be closer to Jesus, message me private.

Jesus said it himself, Be wary of false prophets." Dont trust TV preachers who ask for your money in the name of Jesus. Jesus does not want your money. He wants you to give your heart to him. I am from Ireland, living in NY. If you want to learn more about Christianity, give me your e-mail in private.

No, because my family follows Jesus. But yes it is true, Sometimes being a Christian means having to leave family or friends who hate your religion in the past. My Cousin back in Northern Ireland is an atheist and we both love each other, to be a Christian you must be ready for some people to turn their back on

Jesus loves you, and he wants you to be his disciple, and follow him. As for me, I AM SELFISH to want to save people for Christ. I want to bring as many souls to Jesus as I can, so they can be happy people who live their life in Christ on this earth, and that in the next world we can be with Jesus forever, all races,

"The Father has sent me not to cure the righteous, but sinners"- Jesus Mark 2:17

Jesus said to her: "I am the resurrection and the life. They who believe in me will live, even though they die, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." I grew up as a boy Northern Ireland. People in my family were killed in the troubles. I grew up in a Catholic neighborhood and we were bullied by

Im happy because I have Jesus in my life, and I know there is a life after we die. The choice is up to you. You can choose to be brainwashed by the liberal media that teaches you that there is no God, and live selfishly, or you can give yourself to Jesus and be saved. Once you die, it will be too late for you to

I have studied the Bible. Judging by your language you are obviously an ignorant person that has not studied anything.

You are a conformist though. You conform to being another brainless liberal who hates christians. Thats your conformity. And don't call yourself a Catholic and then attack your own religion, you are only making yourself look like even more of an idiot to us real Christians who have not sold out on our faith to look

In other words you are an idiot who is claiming to be a Christian and attacks us real christians for what we believe. If you are not willing to obey the Bible you have no right to call yourself a Christian and you will not be saved.

An article in the Onion by an angry atheist attacking us Christians? What a shock.