Shana DC

I don't know, the Chinese also mutilated him, and despite what POS the Sons are, they have been exceptionally kind to him. I think the rat is the dirty cop, and the reason he shot that other guy a couple episodes back is so he wouldn't expose him as the rat. Although I do think the idea that Rat is an ACTUAL rat is an

So, did Abel kill those birds? There is no way that the knife through the stuffed animal up on the wall could have been accomplished by a small child like Abel, but Sutter does not place a high value on realism these days. He also was at day care earlier, but could have done all that before he went to day care. It

I agree that it will come out that Jury is not, in fact the rat, and it sure as hell better come out that Gemma killed Tara. However, I just don't trust Sutter enough for Jax and the guys to actually come to terms with what they have done annd get their come uppance. I can easily foresee a situation in which we THINK

Thank you! I was trying to figure out where I recogized her from.

I have been itching for the Jury / Jax confrontation, and yet it came across as utterly unsatisfying. I started out liking this season, with reservations, to getting increasingly frustrated/to outright hating this past episode. I think what got me most is that when Jury said he didn't rat then to the Chinese, he came

I did initially think Abel killed the birds and wrote the message. But the knife through the stuffed animal high up on the wall seems like something a kid his size couldn't do physically. Then again I isn't like this show goes for realism so I guess it might still be him.

Actually, it does refer to both, but it primarily refers to the living people. In the comic, after the humans first realize that EVERYONE is infected with the zombie virus, you don't get it from being bitten, Rick makes a comment about how "We are the real walking dead."

For the life of me I do not know why they paid for the rights to that source material when they then did not use 99% of it. Did they really just love the title THAT much?

I did see that, but I will head to an island that is no longer populated. There's a couple out there that have old forts and lighthouses but no one actually lives on them.

One good thing about where I live is that I live right next to a harbor (like, two blocks away), and I know how to sail, and sailboats don't need keys. So when the zombie apocalypse happens, I am stealing myself the biggest sail boat I can find and headed out to one of the islands that dot the coast.

She is definitely a charmed and healthy baby, I will give you that. I just assume she absorbed Lori's life force when she was born, highlander style.

I buy the overly romantic Judith interactions. Everyone else in the world is just a broken, jaded mess. She's too young and ignorant to be traumatized by her surroundings. The others may have moments when they smile, and laugh, but it's all strained and overshadowed by trauma. But with Judith, you can look her in the

But having to choose between two people doesn't mean you just stop caring about the person you didn't chose. I mean, if I had to chose between my husband or my own little sister in that situation, I would likely chose my sister because my husband is a military guy and could handle himself and have a chance at finding

I agree. Overall I am very impressed with the recent writing in terms of action and pacing, and really fleshing out the characters, but Glenn and especially Maggie are just these outliers who are being so underwritten they don't make sense or seem like real people any more. And yes, Maggie's not even talking about

And every episode that goes by without Maggie even mentionning Beth, nevermind actually trying to find her, makes her less sympathetic to me. Though I try and remember that is really the writers dropping the ball in that regard as opposed to the character's being a bitch.

One little detail about the show I enjoy is that baby Judith is an actual character. In so many tv shows, babies are props / plot devices. They make an appearance when it is necessary for the story, and when they don't figure into the plot, they conveniently just cease to exist. But Judith is a constant. They always

I was surprised at how sad I was at Bob's passing, both for his sake and Sasha's. I was also really saddened by Tyrese's comment to Rick about his road to Terminus. This show has done a good job of getting me emotionally invested in the newer members of the show who fall outside the core group. At this point I think

Thanks for that explanation. It really makes things make a lot more sense because that was driving me nuts the whole time.

What frustrated me about season 2 is that they spent all their time talking about their damn feelings rather than REINFORCING THE FARM. While they do do a few half hearted reinforcements here and there, that is ALL they should have been doing, all the time. Building ditches to catch zombies. Building additional

World War Z (the book) had an interesting segment in which a bunch of surivors headed up to northern Canada under the presumption the zombies would freeze in the cold climate. They did, but the settlements they formed were far too populated to be supported by the meager resources available in winter months. In