Shana DC

I had a problem with the series right from the start, because of the photo that Justin took of Hannah and then got shared around the school. The problem is that we, the audience, see the photo, and it looks like exactly what it is; a creepy upskirt shot of a fully clothed girl, taken at an angle (the slide). Yet we

I don't agree with everything you say here but this really got me:

Like many other commenters, I agree this is nitpicking an awesome episode. We have already spent so much time on characters traveling to get places, I really don't need to feel to keep on doing that when everything is coming to a head, I'm fine with skipping the traveling; we've already shown enough of the journey.

It reminded me of Ralph Fiennes scene with Phillip Seymour Hoffman in Red Dragon.

actually what is so novel about Hush is that it is a "real people" slasher film. It's not just that there is no supernatural element, it is that, unlike almost every other similar film, the characters are intelligent, resourceful people who make sensible decisions, they seem like real people and not horror film

At first I was also thinking that wasn’t Shaggydog’s head, and that in fact this may all be some sort of ruse in order to trick or trap Ramsay. However, it being a ruse doesn’t make much sense, because it would require Umber to assume that Ramsay would keep Rickon alive and in one piece for long enough for a trap to

"typically the Inquisition, which is the obvious real world parallel that they are drawing from, was used as an alternative to keep accused commoners from being convicted, and then executed, by secular courts"

They really, really have underutilized those Dire Wolves. Everyone talks about what a big deal they are (at the Wall they make it seem like having Ghost on hand counts for as much as having an army), as if they aren't just bigger sized wolves but creatures of great power and magic. Yet they seem to be caught and

Thank you!

Question because I just can't remember; Does Sansa still think Theon killed her brothers, or did he tell her that they were other kids he said were her brothers, and the real Stark boys are MIA? For that matter, did Sansa even know Theon supposedly killed her brothers in the first place?

I do think that Richie blew his wad early by having what was far and away the best action sequences as the opening scene of the film. Yeah it got me hooked right away, I will give it that, but I do think having the best scene as the first scene makes for later scenes to feel anticlimactic.

I liked parts of it; the action sequences, especially the one in the church were great, and I liked Colin Firth and the pug in it. Wasn't a huge fan of the lead character Eggsy though, or the plot.

I saw a sneak preview of this film on Monday, and it was great. Yes, it lacks in originality and the characters are one dimensional and not well fleshed out, but as far as being an entertaining summer blockbuster, it was great. It was just a lot of fun, and so cool to look at, very stylish and exciting. The whole

The main reason I think that at least mammals have been wiped out is that Phil and especially Carol don't have any pets. If there were NO people left, but there were dogs and cats, come on, you would have yourself some dog and/or cat buddies. Especially Carol, who explicitely stated she loves cats. I would like it if

I definitely think this show is a couple years past its expiration date, and I have been very critical of this season, but I also really enjoyed the ending, particularly as my expectations were very low for it. I actually liked both the inclusion of the homeless lady, and her ending up being a harbinger of death

I agree with all of this but for one small quibble. When Gemma told Jax: "this is who we are," I wish he had made a comment regarding the fact that yeah, it is how they are, but the difference is that Gemma chose that life for herself, whereas Jax never had a chance with a mother like her to be someone or something

Although I did enjoy the scene with her and her father, I definitely agree giving Gemma the ability to say goodbye to everyone she loves, then die on her own terms in her beloved beautiful garden at her childhood home was not satisfying. Tara got fork stabbed in a sink, and Gemma gets to go out literally smelling the

Seriously. I almost stopped watching at the one hour mark. I could not believe a penultimate episode was THAT boring until the last 25 minutes. The first hour and a half of that episode could have been compressed into ten - fifteen minutes.

I really enjoyed the scene with Gemma and her dad, for me that was the best part of the episode.

Jax has always loved the club far more than his wife and children. It is completely in character for him to chose cooperating with the other charters to score points for his club rather than want to stay around for his kids. He has never been anything but a mostly absentee shitty dad anyways. Which is why I thought it