Shana DC

Agreed. Although I loved the episode with Daryl and Carol staking out the hospital, every aspect of the hospital itself, the villains, the victims, the setting, it all fell flat for me as well, and as such I was not pleased that Beth met her end at their hands. Now those Terminus psychos, those were some villains that

Agree on all counts. In addition, they let Noah hand himself over way too easily. I feel like, knowing Rick, he would have responded "look, we have big guns and know how to use them. If you fight us over this kid, you might win, but you'll lose at least half your people. Is it really worth it? Let's just call it a day

Yeah I really, really did not understand the point of that.

I do agree regarding wanting different kinds of characters, it is one of the reasons I like Tara so much, she has this plucky "I'm just lucky to be here" attitude I really enjoy.

Personally, I’m more upset about them actually incorporating gabriel into their group than about Beth being subtracted from it. That guy is hands down the most annoying person I have seen on this show yet, I really don’t want him to become a major character. Here’s hoping he does not last long.

Well 1. If anyone ever deserved to get hit by a car, it would be the cops running that hospital and 2. Personally I would not have expected the guy's back to be broken from the speed at which Rick hit him. I mean obvious it was a possibility, which is why Rick warned him several times, to try and avoid that, but I

"I can't believe he killed that nice kidnapping, slave owning, rape facilitator who he warned three times to stop running." Seriously people, that cop was not a good guy, and like you said, I think it is clear Rick meant to stop him, and only killed him when it became clear he lacked any other option.

What is RWG an acronym for? Thanks.

But why? She knows Beth was kidnapped. And she knows the Georgia woods are filled with various bands of torturers, rapists, and other assorted psychos. And anyone who kidnaps someone is likely going to be such a psycho.

They didn't rescue Beth. They kidnapped her. They claim they found her on the side of the road with a broken wrist, but we know they actually kidnapped her from the house with Daryl. He had last seen her moments before she disappeared, then that car was taking off, that we know was a hospital car.
Some wards may be

But it isn't that they only pick up hapless strangers who they find injured. We know that Beth was kidnapped right outside the house by the hospital workers, because we saw their car when they took her. They lied and said they found her by the side of the road with a broken wrist and saved her life, in order to


I must have missed something, what happened to the enormous zombie hoarde approaching Glenn and Maggie's group? The reason that Eugene told the truth was because Abraham wanted to go through the hoarse and the Rogers thought it was suicide and that they needed to run, immediatelt, but then Abraham cold clocked Eugene

The club used to get into fist fights all the time. This season their brawls have almost all ended with the other people dead. And Jax killed Jury's son for no reason. And had killed dozens of people in the past two weeks. Jax is no longer the scruffy kid fighting in the yard, he's a hot headed murderous monster. I

Good point. Doesn't make me think any better of Jax, but still a good point.

well I wrote this down below, so you can just respong to whichever you chose, but…

His mother is a known liar and psycho who had every reason to kill Tara. And when she fingered the Chinese, she was nervous and shifty and obviously lying. Embarking on all of this on nothing but Gemma's word is ludicrous.

Jax was acusing him of being a rat (the worst possible thing a SONS can do and an executable offence), then punched him hard. And this is after Jury has been made well aware Jax is now a psycho who kills innocent people who have done nothing wrong, nevermind an actual rat. Jury had good reason to fear for his life and

Overall a great episode in an awful, awful season, that makes me optimistic for the finale. Great acting all around by the cast, especially Jimmy Smitts.

Great episode, but it doesn't retroactively redeem the shit we have waded through to get here. In fact I thought that it just hammered home how drawn out, unnecessary, and convoulted the rest of this season has been. The writing up to now has been deplorable. The plot holes, character inconsistencies, awful dialogue,