Shana DC

Also, I hadn't watched Talking Dead, but I think it is absurd to compare Rick's group to them. The zombie apocalypse doesnt leave people with a lot of choices in how to handle difficult situations, the best example being Carol and Tyrese's decision to kill Lizzie. There just aren't mental hospitals lying around to

But it's not like with Rick and Judith, when he thought the baby was dead and there was nothing to do but move on. Maggie knows her sister has been kidnapped, in an area filled with raping psycho cannibals. It's not just that she should be afraid her sister is "gone," but that she is currently going through abject

Exactly. She was determined and desperate to find Glenn no matter what, but her little sister and only surviving family member gets and a "meh?" Her just jutting off to DC without even a word about her kidnapped sister really strains the realm of believability for me.

I liked this episode right until the end. The reason they wanted to leave so quickly to go to D.C. was because of the threat of the hunters. Now the hunters are gone, so why the need to leave RIGHT NOW, as opposed to waiting a couple more days for Carol and Daryl? I suppose they could argue that they believe there are

What really stood out about this episode to me is how good both Lily and her friend are. Lily has fantastic chemistry with Cam and Mitchell, and it is hard to believe how good her timing and delivery are, especially when she is in full snark mode (which is most of the time).

I really think she is anorexic. It is true that some people are naturally incredibly skinny, but when you see her in earlier years, like in Happy Gilmore, she looks about 20-30 pounds heavier, while still being slender, and looks much healthier for it. She was thinner than she had been in past years when Modern Family

Well his problem wasn't the immorality of what he was doing, it was because he didn't think it was something Bobby would realistically do and he did feel like his actions made sense.

Hey, anyone remember way back in season 2 when Gemma refused to tell anyone she'd been gang raped specifically because she was so scared it would embroil the club in a minor skirmish with some two bit neo Nazi hoodlums? Different times, different woman I guess.

Well, a lot of this show hinges on people not telling other people essential pieces of information, when in any real life situation they would have told them immediately.

you know I'd been so focused on when Jax will find out Gemma killed Tara I had rather forgotten that for most of this show's run, one of the central plotlines has been Gemma seeking to prevent him from finding out she also was involved with killing his father. It would be interesting if Jax learned both those things

What is it with this show and terrible song covers that are totally icogruous to the scene they are being played over??

I had flashbacks to Oberyn / The Mountain fight from GOT. STOP TALKING AND KILL HER ALREADY. Although really I didnt actually want him to because that would prevent a ultimate Gemma/Jax showdown confrontation, which is what I really want to see.

Question: Whatever happened to Chib's ex wife Fiona and their daughter? My understanding was that the only reason they were being kept apart is that Jimmy had essentially forced her to marry him using his position to threaten her. When Chibs killed Jimmy, Jimmy even said "Take care of our girls" to him. But then I

I am split 50/50 between him and Jury. I think they are each equally likely, as Sutter surely set it up that way intentionally.

I know one of the biggest complaints in these comment sections this season has been Chibs and especially Bobby being so willing to kill anyone, even innocent allies (Jury's guys) and bring down a gang war the likes of which the USA has never seen on Charming without any hesitation or protest, despite their entire

Agree completely. What really gets me about the whole thing is that Nero hardly even seemed to care they killed Davarny (or whatever her name was). Jax had her murdered in cold blood, and everyone accepts that was a pardonable offense. As is the fact that Nero has at this point had half of his social/business circle

I have read the book, but not seen the film. I have heard that Nick of the film is more sympathetic than Nick in the book, which I hope is true. I know that some people are fine with stories that lack likable characters, but I am not one of those people. I have read all of Gillian Flynn's books, and though I find them

Just so long as he tells Jax what Gemma did on the way out. My biggest fear with this plot line is that something will happen to Gemma or Jax before Jax finds out what she did. If I don't get to see that confrontation, Sutter is going to get a very strongly worded letter from me.

That might have been the worst cover song ever produced.

I agree with you there, it is a contrived plot device, unless we get an actual explanation down the road for his motivation.