Shana DC

It isn't as if Jax doesnt know his mom is a crazy bitch who lies about everything all the time, and also gets wasted all the time. It is ludicrous that he, or at least Bobby (always presented as the most level headed one) didn't even consider the fact she could be lying, or have been too messed up to be accurate in

But that's another thing. Let's say I'm Ted's kids. Do I want him to move on, find a new love and be happy? Sure. But if my dad was supposedly telling me the longest story ever told that was supposed to be about me connecting to my dead mom and the love between her dad, and the story ACTUALLY turned out to be him

There's a couple reasons I found the finale to be a fuck you to the fans. First of which is that we had to spend a long, terribly paced, terribly boring ENTIRE season at Barney and Robin's wedding…only to have them get divorced in the very next episode after they wed, so we sat through all that crap for NO payoff. The

Best: #1 Breaking Bad, no contest. Six Feet under is high up there for the last five minutes alone. Although I hated the last ten seconds of Sopranos as much as anyone, I thought the last season as a whole was a strong one and satisfying. 30 Rock I really liked the last season and finale episode… except for the

There was the one scene where Sookie and Bill were babysitting Arline's kids back in season one, but Sookie didn't seem particularly taken with them. In fact, Bill seemed far more attentive and playful and pleased to be around kids than she did. She just seemed like a woman who got stuck on babysitting duty and wasn't

That's a good point regarding HIMYM actually putting in effort that didn't work, vs pure writing laziness on the part of True Blood. But HIMYM also had a "fuck you, fans" vibe to it that made me feel like they wanted to piss us of, which personally bothered me more than the TB team just not caring. Not saying they

Whether or not my husband joins me in watching an episode of True Blood has always depended on that. He'll pop in for the warnings, "No nudity or sexual content warnings? Okay, I'm out."

LOL yep that was great. It's a scene that I should have been mortified with, but Eric with that tin foil hair just really undermined the gruesome seriousness of what was going on.

It wasn't as bad as the How I Met Your Mother final season and series finale, but not for lack of trying. I gave up on Dexter well before the end but by all accounts that was worse.

That was Joe Manganiello's biggest complaint as well, the way they handled the relationship between Alcide and his father. He said there had been a really great storyline that was originally planned, involving the two of them and their history and coming to terms with it, but that got ditched for the "let's make

I agree with all that, but it annoys me it never even gets mentioned. Jason was with Violet for less time than Sookie was with Bill, and they never had the love between them that Bill and Sookie had, but he still at least broached the subject of adoption with her. So it's not even like adoption doesn't exist for True

The actor who played Alcide has been pretty open in interviews in the past year of not liking what the writers had done with his character, nor the stories they have chosen to tell (given all the great story line opportunities they could have chosen to run with). I do have to wonder if all the actors are similarly

Okay, her being able to read Bill's thoughts makes no sense. It's not like she can't read them because he's so super powerful, it's because he is DEAD, he has no brainwaves to read. I'm almost certain Bill even said that explicitly way back in season 1. Him approaching the true death means he's even more dead than

Yeah I love how IVF and adoption do not exist in the world of True Blood. It's not like he and Sookie discuss and dismiss these options, they don't even acknowledge such options exist in the world.

Yes, but they also made sure that Bill tells Sookie that having kids is the best, most importantly part of human life and that to live a childless existence is so terrible that killing the man you love is preferable to not being able to have his biological children. He makes this seem like an objective, universal

True Blood is nothing if not inconsistent, and that has been one of the more glaring inconsistencies of this series.

I for the most part agree, but I think the show is worth sticking around for a couple more seasons for Russel Edgington alone. That was a grade A story line/villain right there; him carrying around that urn of Talbot goo was just fantastic.

I still rank HIMYM as the worst finale of all time, just because it was way more of a "F You" to fans than True Blood was, but this is a close second.

The entire reason Jess broke up with Hoyt is because he is BORING. He's a nice guy when he isn't joining murderous hate groups, but he's not smart, he's not exciting, he's not ambitious. He is as vanilla as it gets, he is boring as hell. Jessica and Jason I could buy as a couple. Jason's exciting, he's sexually

At the vampire prison camp, they came up with an antidote. When the vamps broke free and started taking over the facility, Sarah Newland drank the antidote so that way she could prevent vamps from killing her by saying "Don't kill me, I'm the cure!"