Shana DC

I had been looking forward to, and then was quite disappointed in, Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi's depiction as a gay couple decades into their relationship in "Vicious." It is interesting that from the previews and reviews I have read, Lithgow and Molina seem to make a more believable couple in this film, despite the

Same here. Some friends and I watched it in high school, and it really disgusted and disturbed me on a deep level, and not in a good way. I did love Heavenly Creatures and LOTR, hard to believe the same director as Feebles went on to make those films. HC I also found deeply disturbing, but in a fascinating and

Given the storylines with Lettie Mae, Bill, and Jason, the official title for this season should be "The Season of Unearned Redemption."

Exactly. We have seen Eric in action and aside from the fact Pam shouldn't have gotten captured AGAIN in the first place, he absolutely had the ability to have grabbed the stake contraption and stabbed every yakuza in the room with it before they even knew what was happening.

Not to mention we have now seen Pam captured not once but THREE times this season by the Yakuza, without so much as one yakuza dude getting killed in the process. I know she's no Eric but come ON, she's still supposed to be a bad ass vampire. If nothing else Eric would be reaming her out for her gross incompetence.

"The writers have someone figured out every theme, character, and storyarc I didn't want to see and they gave it to me. "

I'm late to this discussion, but here's my two cents:

Thanks for the clarification regarding her getting taken out! I definitely missed that, must have blinked at the wrong moment. She's always been a minor character, and yes one dimensional. But as you say, that "one dimension" has been her just being a genuinely good and responsible cop. The fact that they always have

Thanks, I hadn't caught that. <sigh> Yet another thing to be disappointed in. We saw all these random people we don't know get on screen deaths, but not Kenya? Weak.

Yeah, plus Tara gets to be a bad ass vampire for all of about ten minutes of screen time

Lafayette is the only person she's fed on since the fairies, so no to Jessica drinking from Sookie.

You know what, you are right. Andy WAS blackmailed by Jason, who threatened to tell the truth about the circumstances surrounding Egg's death. I totally forgot about that, so I retract my statement that Andy hired and promoted him as part of the "good ole boys" network.

While I agree with your point and, if the show was better written overall, would agree with you regarding her lack of agency being an indication of misogyny…I doubt it is the case here. I think, as with all the other characters acting a way that makes no sense this season, it was about the writers needing "X" to

I don't agree it is misogynistic for the reasons Gonzagylot states, but I agree with everything else you said. Also, love the term "lobotomized marmosets."

Stray observation/question: I sort of lost track of Kenya after the show down where Violet rips out Mrs. Foytenberry's intestines. Did she join in the attack on Fangtasia and get killed with the others, or had she dispersed with the group by that point?

That is a beautiful vision right there. He could have shown up and sucked Lettie Mae dry before she got the chance to become a main character!

True Blood is excellent at dropping potentially interesting story lines in favor of far less compelling ones. There was a lot they could have done with the fairy world and Queen Mab, but instead they had Russell Edgington massacre them all, and we got stuck with that awful Warlow story line for a season.

Regarding Sam; We're suddenly supposed to believe than Bon Temps is an incredible place filled with exceptional people who are worth not just staying around for, but giving up your child for. Yet, with the exception of a handful of townfolk, Bon Temps has ALWAYS been portrayed as a backwater crap hole filled with

I think it depends on your reading of the scene. I read it as; this is an average high school party attending by average high school party goers. I would buy that *some* kids would behave that way, but I just don't find it believable that this type of sadistic nihilism would be the mainstream mentality.

I agree that over time, if nothing else happened as a follow up, eventually people would be more complacent about it. But I think three years is too short a time span. A hundred years, maybe. But not three.