Shana DC

For me, the main thing with a show like Leftovers isn't that *I* want an explanation, it's my inability to believe that the characters on the show aren't more invested in the explanation, particularly military and political leaders.

Yes, but the issue is that the writer of this show has a track record of perpetually leading the viewer to think mysteries and plot lines will ultimately be solved and resolved….but they never are. There is just a steady introduction of more mysteries and more plot lines which are also not resolved or explained. For

Speaking of the nihilistic teenagers scene, that was an incredibly irresponsible I Phone app for someone to have invented. I wonder what the marketing campaign for it looked like?

Same here, I started thinking "choke" was a euphemism for fellatio until she actually started choking him.

Yeah I feel like kids today would be more about "YOLO" and seeking out pleasure and a feeling of being connected, rather than masochism/nihilism. I think a lot of ecstacy use with lots of group hugging/free love would be more what your average drug taking kids would do in the face of something like this.

Also, how come when the phone came up "burn" they just burned each other right there, but when it came up "choke," that involved them going into another room and undressing first?

Watching that scene I felt like the writers were coming out of my television and hitting me over the head with a hammer labeled "NIHILISM." Okay, we get it. It was just too obvious and over the top for me to take it seriously.

I agree I enjoyed the twins most, far more than cliche angsty daughter and cliche hypersexualized rebelious friend.

I agree that I was surprised that aliens aren't a major talking point. I think if something like this actually happened, and it was too arbitrary for the rapture to be an explanation, then the go to explanation would be aliens, and resulting from that you'd have the government and military on super high alert and tons

I enjoyed the first episode more than I expected (although I found the teenager daughter and her social circle way too cliche to enjoy), but I am left with the impression this is going to be just another case of Lindelof jerking the audience around with no ultimate pay off, and that I'll be left feeling like any

Even beyond that, the vampire threat isn't limited to Bon Temps. Vampires are kidnapping people and causing havok all over the place. Why haven't the folks in Shreveport itself either raided Fangtasia looking for their own missing people, or just set the place on fire during the day to eliminate a vampire safe haven?

Another issue I am having with this show - how commonplace it has become for vampires to die.

Agree that the Jason/Eric and Arlene scenes were bright spots. The scene with Sookie reading the diary was so stupid and unnecessary that I thought my eyes would roll right out of my head.

Agree completely. They were both fighting to protect Arya, Each of them just thought they could do a better job of it. I found myself foolishly hoping they would stop fighting and come to an accord before anyone got a fatal blow in, but if course I hoped in vain.

OMG the scene with him just sighing and sitting by the box, with the end credit music from Curb Your Enthusiasm is a perfect mental image. Thanks for that.

Absolutely, we need more episodes and more time spent with both primary and secondary characters and developing plot lines. I want more of just about everyone, including Margaery and Ser Pounce!

I'm guessing that "Sopranos," "Breaking Bad," "Mad Men," and possibly "The Wire" or "The Shield" would be examples of first tier game changers.

No, but that still doesn't answer the question of if this was a con game right from the beginning, or if she actually really cared for him but was able to discard those feelings once she was spurned by Tyrion and had an opportunity to leverage information about him.

Agreed. As the viewer watching from outside, and having seen his behavior in King's Landing, I see the more sympathetic side of the Hound, and recognize that he's actually grown to care for Arya. But from her perspective, he's just her murderous kidnapper trying to find someone to sell her to. Despite her proximity to

Maybe the sad end dragon dies protecting Dany from bad dragon?