

This is why I love the earlier SVU epis - when they used to all gather around their desks in the old building and rap about their biases and belief systems before they went hunting for the perp. The current episodes don't feel as responsible or realistic. Benson doesn't seem as dynamic and there's not many other

It’s probably to make them more relatable to children.

Brita doesn't work for me either.

I live in Phoenix and the tap water genuinely tastes like you are eating clay. It's so gross - no amount of filtering or ice will make it palatable. Whenever I visit California or the Northeast Coast, I drink from the tap. That shit is delicious.

Isn’t the whole point to leave them alone for possibly hours while they are awake and flipping balls? I don’t know that doesn’t seem right. But if the kid is sleeping for that whole time there’s no harm. All this baby talk makes me real glad I started my period today.

Yeah, it’s totally ok now to not have any contact with your child for half of the day. lol

It seems like people don’t acknowledge the need for physical attention and cognitive stimulation for an infant’s development. With this plan, parents are neglecting them for HALF OF THE DAY. No wonder so many kids have low IQs.

No kidding. I judge people who abandon their babies for half of the day because I know what happens when an infant isn’t provided with proper physical attention or cognitive stimulation. They become damaged people who have attachment problems & lower IQs.

Seems like a great way to raise a serial killer tbh.

Wow. How have you not killed everyone at that office? *sainthood intensifies*

Holy shit, do you work for the company I do? Really large tech company?

The worst is when the person asking if I need advice wears makeup like a demented 5 year old. What is that!?!

yep, i know a girl who looks great in photos (decent bone structure and a pound of nars makeup) but she looks like a greasy troll woman in real life. so weird.

OMG I RELATE. I have a recessed jaw (4.5mm overjet/slightly gummy smile) and want jaw surgery to correct it. I know it would make me look 1000% better. I also refuse to get married until I have a normal profile. No way am I going to spend thousands of dollars when I look like a mutant.

I have terrible bone structure for photos. All flat and weird looking. But I land really good looking men in real life and I firmly believe that if I'm dating a 7 I can't be lower than a 6.

Milllions of Dead Cops? Pretty edgy. lol

I stopped reading at "I still live at home".

"Parsing the details of what really happened should not be the point. People should just explain how they feel, and then validate that person's feelings, apologize for having contributed to anything negative, and move on."

Similar thing happened at my work. All the women were saying how freezing it was and all the men told us we were over reacting because we were just smaller than them. The AC is usually set to 72. It was blowing at 60. WTF.