
Yeah allowing survivors on a jury would mean they would get someone more likely to believe the victim and actually understand the gravity of the crime! The horror!

i know right, what the historic american sport of wrapping rope around black people’s necks and kicking their legs out from under them? uh huh.

What helped me at first when I was a kid was to just pretend I was the person I wished I was. I wished I was super charming and fun to be around and that people already wanted to be with me. This helps get the ball rolling if you just assume you are already a desirable person, you aren’t selling yourself to anyone so

I fucking hate people who pull that negging shit. I confront them directly about it because usually they are self-conscious losers with tiny egos. “Oh so you think I’m a bitch? Sick burn, dude.” They usually leave quickly.

I was given a lot of painkillers for my abortion. Pretty sure the clumps of tissue I expelled didn’t need them but my fully developed nervous system did.

This comment really scares me because I’m getting extensive surgery in 2 months to fix my jaw which is underdeveloped from early childhood trauma. The surgery will probably mess with my nose and I’ll have to get a nose job to have a decent one again. But yeah just the thought of how it could end up is terrifying. You

Sounds like she’s taking too much speed. Same thing happens to me. I start criticizing everyone within 5 miles and cleaning for hours. Not a good look.

No, I get it only when I wear tampons though! Weird huh?

I know I’m terribly gross but I kinda like the period shits and the flow. Something about seeing my body makes me feel hella strong. My dude could NOT handle the level of fucked up carnage I experience monthly.

The thing is: he is being a good politician & he’s not unhinged. He’s appealing to the pearl clutching, low-key benevolent racists of the Democratic Party. This is why the crowd cheered.

I think it’s all fruit from a poisonous tree.

oh man the first thing I thought after reading this article was, damn how is ancient islamic rape law more progressive than the current GOP

I wish I was smart enough to have taken the hint when life nudged at me. It took getting sober and going through a 12 step program to learn this valuable skill. Now, it’s just second nature.

Please get some professional help. Sex is important. It’s obviously important enough to you that you chose to comment on it with scathing judgement of women like myself.

I love this. Also I would add that it’s impressive that you loved yourself enough to be able to love and trust someone else non codependently at such a young age!

Many people were never actually taught to own their own shit or find their part in anything. They are totally clueless. And harm lots of people as a result.

This makes me so fucking mad. Also makes me miss doing heavy narcotics in high school. The good old days when I was barely conscious for my periods hahaha

I honestly think it’s part of lowkey male vindictiveness that we fought/decided to join the workforce and not stay home tending to their young. “Well if you are going to be sterile and obstinate, young lady; buck up and deal with it like the rest of us (who have zero experience with what you are talking about)!!”

I use flexeril too! It’s the only thing that helps me! It’s just scary because I love how painfree it makes me but I’m also in recovery from addiction and I hate taking a pill that I’m so stoked to take. Does that make sense? But if you are a normal woman, I would try to get a script ASAP!