
Me and my boyfriend make fun of dudes like that. The "well, actually" fedora nerds. Go die. That gif is sooo me right now.

I'm barfing right along with you.

My stomach is churning reading this. WHAT A FUCKER.


And having to smile and be nice to them when they are treating you like a piece of robot trash. F**k that.

You just proved my point, ya dingus.

Um, we wouldn't have Twitter, Youtube, email or the internet without Arabic numbers either.

I probably would have killed myself if I wasn't on antidepressants during my breakup. Which would have been bad because we got back together in a month when he realized what a moron he was for ending it.

They don't. Personality disorders don't get better. They are just better managed.

I had a similar situation when I was 8. The police report even details how articulate I was about the assault. But nothing happened. It just faded away.

My philosophy teacher says the same thing. "Yeah those honor students might have great resumes, but their actions are hollow. If you help people without anyone watching, that's what builds character."

These guys just fucking suck big time.

Watch the undercover videos of it. It brings me to tears just thinking about it. It's fucking disgusting. The animals stay alive for hours in a pile of the dead and dying, skinned and in horrific pain.

tbh I feel like if your husband is working 20hrs a day at the most stressful job in the world, you will prob be dating someone else to get emotional needs met temporarily and understand that he might need to get needs met as well. I feel like that is the only sensible way to have made that marriage last for so long

We don't even know if the Clinton's have an open marriage or not bc they are such public figures. He might not have even been doing anything wrong. lol

This is my worst nightmare about how my relationship will end.

That's why our political landscape is so messed up. No one wants to admit they are lower class & want to believe it doesn't exist and that's why they are prey to upper class politics. If everyone were more honest with themselves, people would be like "oh right I receive XX in Medicaid & Social Security and that's

My boyfriend/civil union partner is the same. His family gives one gift each to the kids. Its bizarre. I usually walk away from the holidays a few hundred dollars richer. He walks away with a $30 gift card and socks. His parents don't emotionally blackmail him the rest of the year though. So it's a wash.

Agreed. My job is boring as hell and I show up for it.

Yeah it's pretty horrifying what they deny people for. That is so tragic about your father. I'm just realizing this because I need to have a surgery done on my jaw. Insurance thinks fixing an inadequate part of my body that helps me breathe and eat food will make me more attractive so it's not considered necessary.