
I'm sorry, but I simply disagree. All of these specific companies that I mentioned, they have headquarters near government installations, they hire lobbyists in DC to ensure that they have big contracts to compete for. They are an extension of the government because they literally have their claws dug in and vice

But the technology used to develop that jet fighter can be applied across any number of sectors.
Look at the spinoffs from the space program. Although I'm not even sure what exactly your point is.

Corporate welfare is nothing like the "other" welfare. And you know it! For all intents and purposes, if all of your big contracts are for the government you are essentially an informal arm of the government.

If the Chinese go over the cliff, we're going with them. They own so much real estate here, they own a lot of consumer product companies here. And we're definitely selling them our technology - intellectual property has value regardless of the market.

Yeah but all their real money is coming from the gov't. They're like the Lockheed Martins and Boeings of the world. Private enterprise implementing government programs. That's why they're suing the Air Force too. They want that big government money.

From what I understand, the Chinese are buying up our technology faster than we can "innovate" it. We (the US) are awash in technology and China is awash in money. Who cares how you get the technology, they're skipping to the next step.

I'm a little late, but I always thought Thomas' downfall isn't that he's lazy. It's that he's an intern. Being an intern is a double-edged sword because you get your foot in the door BUT you have no real responsibility. It's not like they really need you there or else you'd be an employee. You're also given a free

Also, China is not limping along. They're coming, and people had better watch out!

SpaceX is totally government funded. NASA gave all of the money they'd be using for the next gen shuttle program to SpaceX! Otherwise, SpaceX wouldn't be doing what they're doing.

That's so funny that you say this! I live in the DC area, and I found myself in the oddest of all odd conversations at a car repair shop last week.I won't go into all of the details but I was having a civilized conversation with someone who is opposite of me in every way you can think - gender, racial background,

Except that you have seen government spurred innovation in many instances throughout history. The Space Race in the 60s. China's current advances in space and other areas (totally government controlled capitalism).

A great point that you bring up. During the breakdown of social structures and laws (due to war, disaster, or aliens), as a woman I know I'm pretty much screwed.

I tried to say that the Queen wasn't necessarily dead but,it's true (as my daughter pointed out). All deaths in this series have occurred off screen. this is definitely the first slow execution we've seen, that's for sure. And the Queen wasn't quite the A-Hole Victim I expected.

There are so many similar scenarios throughout fiction and reality. "Liberating" Ba Sing Se will only result in the most criminal or powerful element around using force to become new dictators. Whether there is one man or woman in control or a small gang of them, the end result for the remainder of the people is the

It's true, that this show doesn't fit in with the rest of Nickelodeon. That was more apparent than ever during this episode, even before the that whole torturing the Earth Queen scene. It should be on Cartoon Network, but alas that'll never happen.

As someone who's been watching a certain type of movie on SyFy a LONG time before Sharknado came around, I only had two words during a specific scene of this episode: "SAND SHARKS!"

Plus the mental focus and a whole lot of time on his hands due to being in solitary confinement. Maybe over time he became like those real-life Buddhists who supposedly learned to control their own heartbeat.

Let's see - if you had benders in charge of corrections they'd put Hannibal Lecter and Cyrus the Virus in that type of setup. Why not?

It made me recall a girl back in the day who claimed she was better off not shaving under her arms because it would always grow back in an unruly bush (worse than before). LOL!

But it's just like Khaleesi in GoT - you can't open a can of worms with people/things and then expect them to figure it out on their own. You've changed their lives and now you're responsible for those lives. You must lead.
Korra deciding to just leave Republic City was a mistake. She may not be The President but