
And Bolin is always right! The comic relief character who always knows the real deal (like Toph).

DAI LI! Zuko! A dragon! An evil airbender!!!! Airbenders in general!
There were many OMGs.

I'm sorry but I found the Raava Vaatu story to be pretty cool, and the way they showed the story of the original benders and the first avatar - that was amazing! And when Korra lost that key connection at the end, it was riveting and horrible!

Makes me think of X-Men (original trilogy) when their powers started coming back anyway…
That would have been a cool twist if given enough time.

Me too!

About as useless as a poopy-flavored lollipop.

You have to admit tho - Stannis Lannister DOES sound pretty cool…

Sorry, I meant Tywin. LOL!!!!

It kind of reminds me of that movie 9 (where a scientist splits his soul into nine parts, each being a core part of his personality). Brienne is all courage, almost like an archetype. She has no sense of the world, she's completely idealistic to a fault - almost like a child.

Just like any liberation - you can't just turn an economy/society upside down without figuring out how to deal with the aftermath.

Orlando Bloom's characters always seem stupid. To me Jon Snow seems brooding and maybe introverted. But not dumb…

Shae's physical and verbal response to Tyrion's appearance said it all. Everything else is minor details.

I like the whole Shosanna/Frederick Zoller vibe with Jon and Ygritte.
Like, I sorta love you but I also want to kill you!

Love Woody H. in that movie. The worst thing tho was the music, clearly evoking Sling Blade (a coincidence?).

I know right?? Ygritte looked peaceful with a half smile on her face.

I dunno, on one hand I still found it hard to believe that Stannis was just flat out to get Tyrion. You wanted to think that maybe Tyrion had disobeyed or dishonored Tywin in some way and deserved some sort of punishment. But the fact that Tywin was with Shae, man…it's obvious that Tywin was just using a thousand

Ha! The only series I've ever watched on Starz was The White Queen (which was entertaining but not high art).

Must have been 93, maybe. AOL for Windows! :-)

It's good that they are addressing the reality of entire economies driven by slavery. There are no fairy tale endings in GoT.

And she didn't even know who the Hound was. So…yeah.