
In 1992, I once said something similar. Except it was, "The internet is supposed to be cool, but where are the cool websites?!"

Yeah, she got satisfaction in NOT killing him. Because she knew he'd suffer. Alluded to in the various mercy killings both of them conducted earlier in their journey.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I reread that sentence a few times, and gave up.

I think Arya thought long and hard about her decision. The Hound miscalculated - he said things that he thought would make her angry enough to kill him but it had the opposite effect. Those things he said made her angry enough to let him suffer a long death. She had always said she would kill him, there was her

Curious to know…if Game of Thrones is a blockbuster not a game-changer, and a second-tier prestige series (in comparison to other current series) - what is an example of a game-changer/first-tier???

Lou had already warned her before she got shot, right? I say no way he says anything if he did realize it.

But Malvo is clearly a misanthrope. So, misogyny fits right into that…
It's not just that he hates women, he just happens to hate men too.
And definitely children.

In the preview we saw a body being dragged behind a pile of firewood logs. I was racking my brain to try to remember whose yard that could be…

Lou recognized that this guy might be a real bad guy but that's it. His cop sense kicked in, but…he's not a cop anymore.

That man is an amazing actor. Contrast his character in A Simple Plan with this one.

It'll be bloody good, let's hope!

I originally thought Lester was too stupid to have thought all of this up, but someone else mentioned the way Lester had the window open and was wearing the jacket earlier in the night. Even the fact that he brought Linda home with him from Las Vegas in the first place - he had the potential setup in mind all along.

They deserve to know so that they DON'T have nightmares if they're the type to have them.
So they don't buy the house in the first place. I'm pretty sure humanity can be divided into two types, those who would buy the house anyway if they knew and those who wouldn't.

I wish I could think of that line from Training Day. But I can't. Quite creative use of the F word by Denzel.


It could have gone another way though. The way it played out was actually the best-case scenario…

Those three were probably dead already. Fair chance he'd have killed them during or after the meeting with the Witness Protection guy.

Yes, guess Sam Hess had something there!

I got that song from She-Devil in my head after reading your post. (Elvis singing) You're the Devil in Disguise….yes you are…