
A gun with an empty chamber or even a toy gun can be just as dangerous as a loaded, real gun - not in the harm it can do to others but in the perceived harm.
Perception can be everything.

But then she started to spill the beans about Acapulco to Molly…so Linda just wasn't hip to everything. Maybe just a little bit dim. Or maybe based on the story she told about her childhood, just willing to look the other way and not think too hard about any of it. So when it was very obvious given her limited

Yeah. But…they made her an a-hole victim (…. So, I honestly didn't hate him quite as much then. Even when he didn't really save the Police captain. Sad to say…his actions weren't premeditated then so it was easier to try to make some excuses for not hating him.

I don't think Malvo is a bounty hunter, really. He obviously is some kind of fixer who does jobs for an underground client. Sounds a bit like organized crime to me, so when the brother mentioned Witness Protection and said the Mob, it made sense. Or maybe he's a freelancer who only gets paid when he delivers. Because

Now THAT would be funny. What was that one movie/show where a guy defeated an entire army outpost almost by accident. Man I am drawing a blank. It was The Legend of Korra (Tenzin's brother), LOL I am such a geek. But anyway, because Lester is clearly not the brightest but incredibly lucky it would be so ironic if he

"Mal" and "Mort" both (bad/evil and death).
Maleficent, Malfoy, Mallory (Natural Born Killers), Malefor, Mordor, Mortimer, Maul (Darth), Maldis (Farscape) , Voldemort.
Even Mal from Inception!

A note about the Lester Hate - NOW Lester is worst scum of all time? I wasn't and won't be surprised by anything Lester does, not after he sent his nephew to school with a gun!

You're giving Lester way too much credit.

1. Take rabbit over leaving fox and cabbage behind.
2. Row back.
3. Take the fox over and drop it off.
4. Take the rabbit with you and row back.
5. Drop off rabbit, pick up cabbage.
6. Take cabbage over and leave it with fox.
7. Row back, pick up rabbit, row back and over and have all three on the other side.

And the most important part was not only their lack of surprise that she's a girl but that they completely ignored Bill in favor of her.

I figured he wouldn't even join her at the house. Drop her off and drive away never to return.

You're right. Because at that point Malvo doesn't even know about Linda. If Lester truly wanted to escape and also save Linda's life - he would have sent her away separately. I immediately thought that it was idiotic to walk with her to the elevator, but it was obviously way worse than that.

Malvo will be like the Russian in The Sopranos. I dunno, I almost hope he gets away! Weird.

Yes! There's a big difference.

I think misogyny is too strong a word in this case anyway. For Game of Thrones, yes. For Fargo, I would say it's more like mild sexism. No big deal.

I complained to my cable provider after having to watch a commercial dozens of times about an atrial fibrillation drug for seniors, trying to catch up on Parks & Recreation (NBC). It got so bad that I had counted the word "bleeding" 7 times during each instance of the commercial. It's not that we have to watch ads,

The guy's brother was on the run from the Mob. The Mob must've had a bounty on the guy.

All I could think of was Sweeney Todd.

Same thing with the whole scene with Hess' wife/boys and the stapler. Linda should have had questions about that whole conversation but obviously didn't…

I believe that Pepper and Budge's only purpose for being in the show was to give Molly the legitimacy and encouragement she needed to close the case.