
That seriously was your take-away from my message?

Between that and Jon being interrupted before he had to explain to Dany that he did in fact die once before? I rolled my eyes. In fact, I rolled my eyes quite often this episode starting with that ridiculous first scene. Automagical Bron and Jaime who has 9 lives.
Am I the only one who thinks that wight idea sounds a

Drogon and friends were barbecuing random neighborhood kids for a while there. Short memory, Dany?

Maybe it doesn't matter to anyone else but it matters to Jon, to convince him to fulfill his destiny.

Hate to be a morbid buzzkill but I read somewhere that someone being burned to death is much worse to watch than experience. Supposedly endorphins kick in and the body is flooded with euphoria. Also, same as with drowning. Funny how all these years later can't find the reference though. Now surviving being burned all

Ain't the English language a trip? I'm amazed that anyone who didn't learn it as a child can ever figure it out.

Theon is torture porn personified. Just put him out of his misery already!

I read somewhere that this organization is a shadow of its former self. I guess things always change when you get really popular…

Dragons on HBO: bringing people together since 2011.

I was yelling at my screen and thinking, thank God my housemate is away on travel.

I know, right? BTW did anyone catch the Rains of Castamere playing during the battle? Another reason I thought Jaime was done for.

Well, we can certainly agree on one thing: "loathsome, incompetent, viciously stupid Trump." :-)

It's like, there's so much that there's nowhere to begin even discussing it. It's like Frodo and Sam at the end of LOTR.

It didn't bother me. But then again I've been watching SYFY's shark week for the past few days. Plus the Hallmark Channel. :-)

I don't want to get too much into it, but some of the bigger disappointments with this show have been Jaime and Theon. You think theres a story arc and then it falls on its face. I honestly don't care that much if/when Jaime dies.

I hope you're right. I loved the ep, I felt a little toyed with at the end, but it was such a thrill that I dont care!!!

Maybe but DJT and his ilk are the last people on earth to be calling anyone crooked. You mention a few things here and there, I'm talking about an entire life's work of fraud and dishonesty.

He hit on her mother and then on her. Gross! He also married Lysa just as a power move and pushed her out the moon door. His behavior the night of the Purple Wedding was also quite suspicious - if you put someone in danger then rescue them, well?

Jaime has 9 sets of plot armor. But then again so does Tyrion. The other Lannisters not so much…

And who returned with deadly level-ups and experience.