
Khal Drogo also had an injury near his shoulder…

They just keep toying with pur emotions. I originally didn't want him to die but that moment felt right for it.

[sarcasm]Yeah, the Democrats the ones who are corrupt. [/sarcasm]

And her brother Bran Starch of course.

I think Nymeria sensed that this person wasn't the girl she once served. Arya's humanity is gone. Arya then convinces herself that it wasn't Nymeria after all.

She will always be Ramona Flowers.

They lost me at Five Years Later.

It was the bowling alley guy. I was actually surprised Nikki died when she got shot…
And think about it, Nikki and the deaf guy did seem to suddenly have super powers. It was so easy for them to get their revenge.

The question is, is being reincarnated as a cat a karmic progression or regression?

I thought it was the guilt disappearing from Emmitt. It's natural over time. He finally thought, I'm free! And then boom.

If he had taken the truck, the police would've known he was part of the murder scene. He was magically able to restart the vehicle that I thought had run out of gas. Someone I was watching this with reminded me that maybe it's the hand of the guy at the bowling hall (whom I am assuming is a dark angel). Since Nikki

You're right. Especially if you're not being as attentive. Come to think of it, I crashed my car on the way to an important event. Suddenly you're looking at an airbag.

Funny thing is, in high school I thought that movie was so great. Years later, I was like, I hate this! Tho I still love the sweet-n-low quote.

Concussion. :-( sometimes they get you days later…

I was thinking the same thing. Bread Aisle!!

Tuco is a drugged out sociopath. On the morality scale, he's evil. Yes most people end up in a bad way because bad things have happened to them but there are some who don't need or have a reason (IMO).

Plus, the more we learn about these characters adds context to what happens later. The interesting thing about the pills is, I am wondering if this is how Hector ends up in a wheelchair unable to speak. So, yes it is really interesting! We know where they end up, but now how they got there entirely.

Man oh man. If that happens I may spew chips or whatever it is I am eating. I think Chuck's hate runs too deep and for too long, unless he truly gets counseling to work through it.
I'll admit though, that would be crazy good if it happens that way.

I think he has a code but not morals. Gus is just like Omar Little except he speaks VERY softly and you never see the stick coming.

For me, the fact that she said "Jimmy and I" about what happened to Chuck was pretty telling. For her to admit it to Howard anyway.
Also, this whole showdown has been brewing since the Jimmy making the commercial debacle at the other law firm, not just the Chuck thing.