
I dunno. You'd have to go through a lot of adjectives before hitting "interesting" when it comes to describing a new Woody Allen movie.

Your boy Joel already introduced us to Gravity's Rainbows.

Steve Simmons, like all pro sports columnists, writes fan fiction for a living. It makes you very strange.

808s and Heartbreak is the finest Christian Contemporary record I've heard in decades.

Well, that's good.

Uh, the only contenders in your list would be Bowie, Paul, and Ringo. The rest are dead.

Did you know that, Christie?

[Tens of thousands of tech industry employees rip up their business cards]

Putting aside all the gerrymandering and disenfranchisement, this is one area that conservatives are much better at in elections than liberals. Every crazed tea partier and Ron Paulite voted for Romney. When/if Hilary gets the nomination, there's going to be a significant part of the left that just doesn't show up to

Chances are his priest-ness is not powerful enough to stop it.

The existence of YouTube stars who make millions of dollars recording "haul videos" of all the clothes and handbags they buy with the millions of dollars they get from recording haul videos is almost unbearable to comprehend, for me.

…Vince Vaughn trying to believably deliver a line containing the word "apoplectic."

It's one of the best episodes. I think about lines from it more often than I should.

It was pretty cool of the dead player's wife to be so concerned about the Rock's career prospects at the memorial for her dead husband.

Oh no! The region of the country still upset about a war they lost 150 years ago might be RESENTFUL?

They learned nothing. See the links below.

Yeah, exactly. They doubled down on being sociopathic scum by blaming the Rev. Clementa Pickney for his own death for not supporting a concealed handgun law as a state senator.

The writers enjoy the drive, you know, and it's TOTALLY FINE that there's no room on the charter jet. I mean, they like having the down time to just think, you know?

Approximately 28% of all studio movies are inspired by ideas people in the film industry have while traveling between LA and Vegas.

It's honestly one of my favorite movies from the '60s. It's not good, but holy shit is it amazing.