Shamoononon drives like a farmer

I'd rather see that than a little kid chasing his ball out into the street. That's legitimately my biggest fear as a driver. When I go through dense residential areas, I typically go slightly UNDER the speed limit as long as I don't have a clear view of all the lawns and driveways.

hate to burst your bubble but msnbc is the worst. They're notorious for editing content out of context to push their "partisan" views...look up how they edited the zimmerman 911 tapes to make him look racist...or when they edited a Bush comments to make him look out of touch with modern tech...or when they reported

Lol dude as soon as you wrote 'zero fucks given. It's most likely gonna be seen on as raging. No need to be aggressive XD

Next on the internet: Person who has never watched Fox News makes bad Fox News joke.

I don't see my comment as raging at all. I just meant to say that it was overdone and unnecessary while not completely worthless. He could have tried a lot harder than that.

The whole joke is incredibly overdone, extremely unfunny, trying too hard, and just generally unwelcome. I'm tired of this kind of thing on every single news article related to games. Is that so bad?

While I get the angle, I'm VERY sure that news media doesn't skew the facts that badly... That said, the whole "Mass Effect has sex in it" scandal did go way too far, but they promptly apologized for it.


Anus Tart? I don't get it.

Jesus, dude...

I think the photo might insinuate that Romney is the flight attendant in this equation.

Will you lend me a million dollars?

1) The majority of New Jersey is horse country, not a suburb of New York City as most people like to think. He could be hauling horses.

You can't always make the assumption that it's for no reason. For all you know, he has a racecar or racecars to haul on the weekends. He just doesn't happen to have the trailer hooked up at the moment. Besides, no one need any more reason other than "I want to." This is America. Stop trying to tell people what they

I've yet to come across a recreational cyclist who was courteous and alert. I don't know what it is about these Lance Armstrong wannabes but around here they all act like they own the road and cars are an annoyance to them. They think nothing of forcing you to pass them in the oncoming lane. I recall one occasion I

Still easier to see out of than a new Camaro.

Because they are too busy being dog food?

I think you're making too big of a deal about it. Personally, it seems most people I meet with those stickers really don't mean it anyhow.

Pizza delivery!