Shamoononon drives like a farmer

This is a super stupid idea, and I’m no stranger to stupid ideas.

That horse looks scared :(

It’s an accident, horrifying at it is, and the real price are paid by the parents on discover. Unless you can prove some further distraction like drugs, alcohol and something else I’m not sure charging murder is entirely the best thing. I could not fathom the mistake, but just because I’ve never been there doesn’t

The only thing flawless is that the other drivers managed to not kill him.

I’m just glad it wasn’t an American Ship.  

How can an HOA foreclose on someone else’s property?  I don’t get it.  I hope he sues and wins.  

They now want you to tip at take-out counters - yeah right HA HA HA!!! Listen the price of the product is the price of the product. I get tipping well if the person is really nice and really helpful, but 20% on average?  Nope.  I’ve tipped as much as 100% for exceptional service, but I’ve also not left any tip for

This will go near the top of the list of movies to not watch.

I was passed by a greyhound bus while going 90 up near San Francisco.  

Fake news.

You know what they say about poor dental hygiene and mental decline. 

God Bless “That’ll fuck your shit up, bro” guy. I imagine it’s some dude standing around holding a beer.

I agree, the Escape made a dumb move but it didn’t appear to be on purpose.  After that the other one was really out of line trying to get after him.

I don’t know, after about an hour it was get a little old.

It’s a light purple or rose. I’m a woman, it would be rare if I was color blind, but who knows.   

Why does that dog have on a saddle? That’s weird. And it’s purple. Frightening.  

There goes my lunch, was wondering how I was going to burn off those calories.  

Oh man, poor woman.  Glad she’s safe.

That’s not a bee, it’s a Hornet.  No honey, honey!  

They should have just blown up the car.