
I just saw this movie last night. I wouldn't say I hate it, but I can get why people would. The elephant people and all that shit looked cool, but I found the story to be lacking. It seemed obvious that they were wiping out planets to stay young early on, so that reveal didn't do much for me.

Some of the theories I've read are so well thought out and detailed that I really can't imagine the books stacking up. Seriously though, if that inbred dragon mama ends up on the throne in the tv show, I don't see myself reading the rest of the books.

That's just what happens when you have to wait 6 years for the next book to come out.

Twyin is the new Lady Stoneheart

I'm not sure, but there might be a touch of sarcasm in his post.

MJ in the comics is legit, I was definitely referring to Kirsten's portrayal.


maybe you should…

would've been pretty nice if they iced mary jane in the older ones though :P

Hit-Girl in Kickass?

I don't think the death in Pitch Black fits either.

I know the guy who played sam let it slip in an interview that they weren't going to have Coldhands. Sad day.

You said you didn't like the show, I get that. I think the show is a mediocre portrayal of the books. Sometimes its really awesome to see things come to life (such as seeing the wall), but I think they have dumbed it down and down played some of the best parts of it.

I'm guessing it is when the bard makes a play for her in the Eyrie. They must have amped it up quite a bit…

No shit, reread what I said. The character she was very loosely based off of didn't even have a name in the books.

I would make the argument that 90% of those comments are even less legitimate because they're coming from people who have no idea what they're talking about and claim they do.

Ygritte is a badass, and yeah, Ladies (as a title, not women in general) are more valuable when they have their maidenhead intact.. we all know this is a fantasy series that isn't based in modern times right?

First, I'm assuming you're only talking about the show. I don't think its a slut shaming thing. I think its a poor writing thing.

Maybe you could share your thoughts with them, instead of a bunch of random folk on the internet?

Do you think they'll make a similar article when jon snow gets raped by all of those swords that his brothers in the night's watch stab him with at the end of the last book?