but where is damn soap?? or they don’t use soap at all???
but where is damn soap?? or they don’t use soap at all???
Hate to break the news to you but Estonia out-performs American schooling b y orders of magnitude!
If I had a nickle for every time someone had skealked my identity, I’d be able to hire an editor.
Why? What are you objecting to? What’s wrong with thinking honestly of your kid and working with what you’ve got?
I actually really love that she’s talking about this. I had a shitty review at work this week, and feel like a total failure at life. To think that someone as respected and established as Juianne Moore could be fired kinda makes me think “you know what, no one is immune from this shit.” I know the shame she’s probably…
I had a baby! His name is Edward Douglas and he was born the day after Valentine’s Day. He’s pretty much the love of my life even though I’m breastfeeding like 8 hours a day and I’m stupid tired. I was really scared about post-partum depression because I am higher risk for it (my mom had it, I have had prior bouts of…
What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.
I’ve been on Weight Watchers (WW) for years and she is right, it is a lifestyle. And one that saved my life.
I’m kind of on board with using Kate Hudson for this because it’s not following the narrative of “I lost 100 pounds and now I can begin my life!” I don’t approve of diet culture, but I used Weight Watchers in high school and it was a lot better than all those awful fucking fad diets my mom and aunts and sometimes I…
What’s Barbara Lee, chopped liver? Safe districts in heavily Democratic cities have been sending left-wing representatives to Congress for decades. They just tend to get dismissed because they’re black.
I would say she can do better
I mean, the problem is that she’s still trying to exist in a fact-based world. That immediately puts her at a disadvantage:
Interviewer: Won’t this Green New Deal thing cost a lot and won’t you have to raise taxes?
AOC: Sure, but we can pay for it with additional taxes on the rich.
Conservative interview:
There’s nothing “bad” about this interview.
I’m one of those Elon fans that saw this in my feed, and found it hilarious. I’m critical of his grandiose ideas, but still find it a bit inspiring. The latest demonstration though was a laughable debacle; I had the same”uh, but that’s just a reinvention of the subway, but not in a good way...” reaction.
I liked I Feel Pretty. Amy Schumer may not be the ugliest duckling. She isn’t fat... but she also isn’t skinny. But that’s not really the point. We often look at ourselves with a more critical eye than we would ever look at our friends and loved ones. We can be so hard on ourselves and it can really hold us. I really…
By that logic, A Star is Born should be on this list because one of its executive producers once told Kevin Smith to put a giant spider in a Superman movie.
The creator of the Oasis is also directly responsible for the stagnation of the culture and the lack of progress on the massive social and economic problems in the society. He was also a massive creep obsessed with his friend’s wife to the point he made her a literal trophy in his masturbatory game.
Surely he’d be a barntender
It’s sweet that you think Ernest Cline is aware of stuff outside of the 1980s
My parents just had their 34th anniversary when they should have divorced at least 20 years ago. Do people not realize parents can still be involved with their kids without actually being in a relationship? I would have preferred to see my parents happy with other people or alone than miserable together.