
“Can you imagine 25 years of marriage, to one person, even Barack Obama? Or 25 years of anything?”

Oh, children. You don’t imagine the time. You imagine the things you’d like to do with your time. And then you try to do them.
(Just celebrated 26 years of marriage with Mr. UrbanAchiever and no, we didn’t imagine it. We

*Hear Hear.

Just this morning I was listening to a podcaster talk about how comfort is a tool of oppression. That straight/white/cis/dudes - people who are not generally part of marginalized groups - tend not to experience much discomfort in their daily lives, at least not in any systematized way. If they encounter conversations

This feels like a movement that is not going away; it has legs.

28! Not as young as I first thought and thereby immediately grossed myself out. Now that gap closed considerably.... Off to South Korea!

Nope you’re just plain old self-righteous. It’s nauseating.

I think if we are going to cut off every guy who has ever done something borderline amiss we are going to be incredibly lonely people. I don’t think the answer is ostracism. There needs to be dialogue. Guys feel cornered and will act defensively when confronted. That, for some reason, is almost the universal human

Someone needs to take this poor, deluded idiot in hand and explain that this is a catastrophically terrible idea. She has already done her bit for King and Country with the WikiLeaks thing and needs to retire quietly to the sidelines. Surely she must realize that her public image is permanently compromised re:

Fuck Katy Perry and the nuns.

Read this headline as David Attenborough. “A group of male executives is milling around the fallen Weinstein Co. But, what’s this? In the underbrush, a surprise woman has found the kill.”

So I have advice for Sarah:

Or how about they just don’t try to fuck women who don’t want to fuck them and not jerk off in front of women who don’t want to see them jerk off? I’ve been going with this sentiment for about 20 years and it has worked out well for me.

Also, bathe regularly.

There is a way to turn that off in settings (wifi automatically switching on). I don’t recall the steps off the top of my head, but you can google it I’m sure.

Can they fix the part where I open texts and the most recent message(s) are behind the keyboard?

I got mine in a pinch too and was surprised by how much I liked it. Something I hate about liquid foundation and other bb creams is that they can often feel like a mask. The Garnier is light but offers decent coverage, and the bottle lasts forever!

men can be feminists, but don’t trust a single fucking one who makes a living off feminism.

Ok. Fuck Daren Aronofsky for this wankfest male privilege masturbatory bullshit of a movie.

What makes this shitstain even worse is that there is a good horror film to be made from this material - but this isn’t it.

It sucks so bad I am astonished anyone greenlit it in 2017. And I’m really pissed off that Jennifer

I miss this show. I grew up in Jersey, so I can attest to the Guido verisimilitude.

I think that’s true but also believe servers who post shit like this should be fired