
This is the kind of headline that could have used a definite article at the opening. “Doctor Who Tried to Warn...” has a distinctly different meaning for some people than if they were to read “The Doctor Who Tried to Warn....”

Wait Lincoln was gay? Google Trip!

I definitely see Ancient Egyptian inspiration. There’s literally nothing here that can be remotely classified as cultural appropriation and this is dumb. So dumb. We really need to refocus. 

I mean this with all respect and no snark intended: Stop calling it Megxit.

This isn’t an example of racism, it’s an illustration of where anti-racism education was back in 2001. Concepts like “micro-aggression” and “mimicry” were not part of the conversation. People didn’t know the difference between a culture and a costume.  

Lots of people in the comments are saying that there is an

This is not even in his top 10 greatest hits. He groped a woman and when she came forward explained how “she must have experienced it differently”. Mr. Feminist fired two of his highest ranking female Ministers when they refused to cover up his attempted interference in the judiciary. One of those Ministers Attorney

She was asked about the movie and she responded. She also talked about her brother’s suicide and how she was booked Pan Am 103, the flight from the Lockerbie bombing. There were a lot of other topics discussed. It’s not like she keeps bringing it up, people keep asking her about it.

Sorry, but you do really think anyone will EVER interview Kim Catrall and NOT ask about Sex & The City? There are 11 responses in the interview if you click through. Sex & The City is exactly one of them. It’s not Catrall with a problem here. It’s you.

Exactly. I’m not a fan of Julianne Hough, but what she’s talking about rang true for me as a bi woman in a committed relationship with a man. The snarkiness of the article made me feel like shit and reminded me why I never tell people in my life (besides my boyfriend) that I’m bi.

Women with husbands are a marginal, underrepresented segment of the population. Thankfully, former competition show dancer and frequent podcast guest Julianne Hough has broken down our community’s barriers

Weird flex but okay.

My first thought was “WTF were they thinking?!”

The article is damn awful but I do like this song. 

Love the song & video, both great, no ragrets.

I am ready to get bashed 100% - but I don’t mind the song.

This is the problem with the democratization of art via social media: The audience (not to mention the artist) isn’t plugged in enough to recognize photogenic cliches for the uninspired undergraduate underclassman work that they are.

I did EXACTLY the same thing in college for a photography assignment on sex, 1997. It was lazy on my part and got graded accordingly. This has been done endlessly and is very unoriginal on everyone’s part.

“This is some pretty heavy stuff.”

Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.