
But my kid wouldn’t know it was kink. frankly, I might not either - I might have just thought it was performance art because I didn’t even know puppy play was a thing. So if I had seen them, I might not have been uncomfortable. After reading so many comments explaining what this is - I might feel differently if I saw

Do you know what the hardest part of this would be for me? Spending the next month explaining to my daughter why she couldn’t play puppy at the mall or have a collar around her neck in public. She was a “puppy” for about a year of her life - complete with licking faces, all pants destroyed with holes in the knees and

I actually know someone who claimed to be completely “grossed out and offended” by hand holding. This week. That's her problem, not the hand holders.

Blunt answer: sexual assault takes away ownership of your body. Interactions with the police are retraumatizing, especially since you're repeating the story over and over. Most women want justice - and she felt that allowing HER body to carry that mattress gave her justice/a way to confront her attacker/control over

We’re working on it - signed, high school teacher/feminist

Could you send me that “modern feminist” memo regarding false accusations? I didn’t get that memo. I must have been at my modern feminist “I hate Menz” convention that day.

She just kills it. Also, nice surprise ending there. I love that she goes for it.

I did the same thing - my father’s name is unusual and I needed to toss it; Google searches connected me to his - shortcomings...So, now I have a bland last name to go wih my common first name, and no google connection to crime! Win/win!

I don’t know if I’ll ever get out of the grays, but that seems fitting. I’ve hit the point in my professional and personal life where I just wish I could run away. Everyone annoys me; everything makes my toes curl up in dislike. I’m working through it in therapy, but I just wish there was a special runaway middle aged

I forgot how much I wanted Anne’s hat back in the day. And, if Gil was 48, then I'm realizing how old I am right this moment.

its raining on my face.

I hope Grandpa Frank was a funny guy, and he sent those ridiculous moments to you guys as a heavenly gift. The dude picked his wedgie? That’s just too perfect.

I was hoping those published comments were ironic. Right?

I’m disappointed in myself that when I saw this headline, I immediately clicked on it. I’m going to pledge NOT to read anymore about them or watch that special. He has always made me so so sad, and I can’t believe we’re trotting out their kids for entertainment. I’m including myself in that “we” because I'm curious

Exactly. No one wants drive back to work on Saturday nights and watch them grind in each other. Proms are nice, because they look cute. For this student - I feel like I would also dress in a tux as a chick chaperone, just to show support.

No - usually they go straight to becoming administrators. I'm REALLY holding out hope that the faculty isn't really saying this and it's just the douchebisquit principal.

Had the exact same thought. Because pretty much no one wants to chaperone any dance, even the prom, and they’re all actually in our classrooms - teaching and grading and what not - and probably didn’t even know this was a thing. At least, I'd like the think that's how the teachers feel.

I miss bar soap! I’m sick of smelling like apple pie or fields of lavender after peeing in a stranger’s pot.

Putting rice cereal in milk before bed fills up the baby’s stomach and theoretically keeps them asleep for longer.

I thought 6-8 hours at 8 weeks was pretty much “sleeping through the night,” especially with breastfed babies. I remember this because I felt guilty since I was no longer breastfeeding and my kid was sleeping 10-12 hours at night at that age without sleep training. My kid also didn’t sleep for more than 15 minute