Holy crap! I had no idea but that’s interesting
Holy crap! I had no idea but that’s interesting
Solid gold.
But any pick that doesn’t work out there is a bad gamble. So that’s what I’m saying about you take who you think improves you the most. If that’s who the GM thought then why is it a bad pick? How’s it worse than a LB that doesn’t contribute? Is it because LB are supposed to be valued more than K?
I understand what you’re saying picking at #59. And I’m not saying you’re wrong. But this choice is relative to the team need, which is dictated by whoever the GM is, really.
Agreed. Couldn’t that be applied to every position though?
Maybe that’s why they suck. They’re doing it wrong
If you think you can wait till a later round to get him, then yes, do so. But they must have thought someone else was going to take him before they came back around
Him being undrafted isn’t my point. If you’re a team who has a desperate need for a kicker (like the Bucs said they were) of his caliber, of Vinatieri’s (thank you for the spelling) I mean, and you think you can get one in the 2nd round, you jump at the chance. And they did.
No it isn’t! You don’t gamble in the second round, period. You have to hit on the higher picks due to what it costs you.
Houston did it for the 50 inches of rain per year, too
Not saying I have or have not done that multiple times to confirm my observations.
Mine is 6 weeks old. She’s exhibiting self-protective reflexes already. I mean, if closing eyes and throwing hands up when something gets too close is considered that. But it has to be something where you were already relatively close to the child’s face, obviously. I could just walk up from a distance and they…
What’s your point? You’re now arguing what?
And yet they won, manager of the year.
So now that’s what you’re going to argue? When Rickey’s IBBs happened?