
He also had 3 other at bats to get a hit (maybe another if he got walked unintentionally)

Well, Penis, it’s hard to tell if it was or not. On the one hand, it didn’t look like he was really trying to get a strike. It seems as though he was barely trying since he didn’t hit Siri with the first pitch. And since he’d been warned after that he had to at least look like he was trying.

Not upset. Just love how the home announcers are just besides themselves and disgusted by the whole sequence. As if it’s the other team’s job to gift him a free hit. That’s not their job. Maybe he should have gotten a hit on one of his first 3 at-bats. If they’d walked him intentionally every time he got up, yes.


You feel good about yourself with that response, John? You probably couldn’t be a bigger penis judging by the amount of smarm dripping from your 4 paragraph response.

He had other pitches to hit. This is so stupid. Yes, he threw at him on the first pitch (possibly another) and most probably meant to throw a ball on the last, but Siri had several other good pitches to hit. Try not to suck when the pitcher actually gives you one to hit.

Shout?? Motherfucking Shout is on the list?!?! All of the rest but Wobble I can understand, even Wobble I can understand to a certain extent. The rest of the country must be a bunch of sticks-in-the-mud.

My whole neighborhood heard me laugh at this. Thank you. Thank you so much for this response.

And we live in southeast Louisiana

When the wife and I moved into a new house last year I left the upstairs A/C on 83 during the day and 80 overnight. When she said that clothes felt damp is when I decided I was doing everything wrong and did some research. Now it’s 78 and 76. No dampness

If you have a Nest you can see how long your unit runs each day (maybe another smart thermostat can tell you that too, I don’t know). My unit ran 4 hours yesterday according to the Nest app.

NEVER turn your A/C completely off, especially if you’re going to be gone for more than a day or two. Turn it to 80 or 82. A/Cs pull moisture out of the air, they dehumidify your house. You do not want a buildup of humidity over several days or a week.

Are you being serious? I can’t tell.

Ok?? My intellect? You’re the one coming on here injecting your, “point-of-view,” as if anyone wants to hear your criticism. Because your opinion matters that much. Yeah, I’m the stupid one.

No. It isn’t. Maybe if you drink an unhealthy amount daily, yes. But did you know too much water can kill you too?

Uh, yeah. That’s a worthy reaction

What are you talking about? It isn’t just about replacing other’s stuff. It’s just as much about limiting your personal liability in case you injure or kill someone else. But it also replaces your car too.

It is. I love it and must find it. My guess is someone got dunked on. Or it was some sort of entertainment during a timeout that went wrong

What is happening in this GIF? It is superb!

Your facts are incorrect. They are alternative facts.