
Word up. Manners. I teach Pre-K 3 — 8th grade PE. The behavior you’re describing sounds a lot like how some of the kids at our school act sometimes. But I give them a pass because they are too young to know how to interact. They’re naturally awkward. But that doesn’t mean I don’t call them out on the spot. If I say

How big is this intersection that 4-5 cars can fit in it?

What?!? Are you saying I, as the driver NOT trying to turn across traffic, have to stop for the turner? I must be reading that wrong.

Shiiiit...white middle schoolers make things cool. NOTHING blows up till that demographic gets ahold of it

There’s nothing to bring back. It didn’t go anywhere. I teach middle school and junior high PE. I assure you it’s still “cool” to do. At least for white kids it is

You get a star for using the word lagniappe!

It’s the sliders that makes it great.

That dude didn’t give a shit about the money. He wanted that hug from the eye candy

Good-but-not-legendary? You need to quit the internet, pal

Stand for what he did? You “stand for what you did” when you’re accused of doing something which breaks the law. What’d this guy do that broke a law.

Fucking YES! #1 & #2 are spot on. My wife thought I was a terrible human being for saying those exact same things to her about this photo and how “outraged” she was. Then I told her she can’t possibly be “repulsed” that I feel that way. I’m not the naked dude humping a shark.

Exactly. I bet that teacher would treat a child of any color the same way

Single men were liars in this! What single dude did 9 hours of housework per week on average!?!? I did maybe 3-4, tops and my place was very clean and organized

Don’t give continuation on fouls. He’s not an airborne shooter in any of those shots. This’ll never happen though

He’s not Donald trump. He didn’t start out with a handout from daddy though. He worked his ass off to own his own shop. And he’s as honest as they come

What mechanic do you know. Mine makes very, very good money. Like, vacation a LOT money. But he works his arse off. Granted, he’s got his own shop in a city of 15,000

Calm down, captain happy

Or you buy tax free bonds. Those are pretty helpful if you’re just looking for income instead of growth.

I’m glad you feel you aren’t wrong. I admit you get taxed at some point. However, that’s not what I was trying to help you understand. You originally said...

Yes, yes you do.