Yes, you were taxed on your hard earned money.
Yes, you were taxed on your hard earned money.
Tou-fucking-ché don’t get taxed on investment income if you don’t earn any gains. Using Dumbfuck Magee’s logic, technically he’s paying HALF the taxes he should pay since he isn’t paying anything on investment loses.
You said it in your post...”once when I earn the money and now twice when I earn income on that money working for me.”
No lie, don’t be the villain then. You’re fighting the good fight but it sounds like you can’t win. Till mom comes around (if she ever does), let her take the lead. I only say this because you say the child is THAT hard headed. If she weren’t I’d feel differently. I’m probably wrong though
Wife is due in 3 months with our first. This was GREAT advice! And delivered with humor. Thank you for taking the time.
Is Prince wearing a blouse? Damn straight
heres how I picture Charlie getting to the Gates of Heaven...
It’s theft in the way you describe it, yes. Of course I can’t refute that. Any smart person can look at your definition and see the connection. I don’t have a tail though so I have no idea why you said that. I guess you felt good about your point.
man, you sure served me with that response
I really hope you’re a troll, TomServo. Otherwise you really are an dumbass
Then go live somewhere else. That’s an extremely immature way of thinking if you really believe that. someone into office who can change taxation. Do you like a strong national defense? Do you like the interstate system? Do you like the idea of social security? Then STFU. There is NO way you could go through…
Cool story, bro
Okey dokey
What if I was lazy and didn’t tape off a spot, like my spray-in truck bed liner. I got wax on it and it looks white in small spots where I overlapped on top of it. Any ideas on how to get that off? I’ve tried scrubbingand a pressure washer to no avail
That ain’t side-eyeing at all. That’s straight-up gawking. Totally different.
Because GPS uses satellites or cell towers to triangulate your position. Your signal literally must go to a tower to dial out and reach anyone. 911 doesn’t operate towers. How is that confusing?
When did I ever bring up Russia? Or Hillary? What are you talking about? Who pooped in your cereal this morning?
No, not a different viewpoint. A stupid viewpoint