
I know how filling of slots/billets works.

It’s called life insurance, see FEGLI.

Dude, no one is putting a mission crontrol wonk/dweeb into space.

Uh no. NASA, for reasons I cannot recall, loves the ResumeBuilder. Almost everyone else takes a resumé. Some agencies no longer post to USAJobs.

This is a drug-testing designated position

The fact that NASA likes that thing shows they’re stuck in the 70s.

Clearly the way to get this to work is use Mars as a penal colony or somewhere we deport awful people. It worked out well on earth.

That will never make it through federal HR. No one reads cover letters.

Supplements are not alternative medicines, they are often necessary cimplements to the diet that prevent such things as scurvy, ricketts as well as a number of other diseases. The levels required for prevention are lower than what many boosters purport, but they are necessary.

I don’t need an education from NY books, a source I know fuck all about. I can learn plenty on my own, such as my many years of residence in Muslim lands and interaction with actual Muslims who are not white women named Kate Knibbs who don’t know shit.

I’m not sure how this is a mystery. This is how orchards work, and applies to almost any fruit or nut bearing tree.

I came here expecting this to be yet another “White women with a little money and much less sense report kale cures cancer”. I’m not disappointed with what I found.

I can’t tell if you’re serious. Carbon dioxide is not the issue here.

Actually I’ve read Heretic and although I may disagree with a few of the entries, her diagnosis is adequate. Azlan, although he sees himself as objective, shades the truth on occasion to satisfy a certain areas. When he says certain things are or are not in Koran, he’s intentionally covering up that the Koran,

I wish there was a clearer definition of the apps that are pay and not mining my data than free and definitely doing so.

Goggole Photos has been a bit meh for me. I prefer QuickPic, since it does a limited number of things very well.

I’m curious what makes you believe smoke has to be a certain amount of distance from the ground. You haven’t been to China I take it?

Yeah they just love keeping eggs and other food sources they disapprove of from other people.

Uh she’s not a Muslim if she leaves the religion. Now if she is murdered, which is the normal outcome if you declare yourself a member of another faith or none at all if a considered a member of Islam, then perhaps there’s wiggle room in your argument.

Nope. I am not. I think they’re an interesting group who labor towards good. You on the other hand, are a Buddhist, that much is clear from your berating of everyone who has pointed out how blood-soaked your people’s hands are.